Saturday, 3 August 2013

The tax behemoth and the cover fire

When the British Empire imposed the salt tax in India, it created the greatest upheaval in Indian masses and Mahatma Gandhi along with his supporters, marched to Dandy to break this rule. This march was a great hit, and acted as an intensifier in India’s quest for freedom. On 26th January 1930, Indian National Congress declared ‘Purna Swaraj’,-the complete Independence- and within the next seventeen years we saw the birth of the twins.

In today’s India, the cornucopia of taxes includes the direct and Indirect Taxes. Indian Citizens are paying Income Tax, Value Added tax, Professional Tax, Wealth tax, Service tax, Excise Duty, Custom Duty, Road Tax on vehicles, Entertainment Tax, Stamp Duty, Education Cess, Goods and Service Tax, to name a few.

Our current President and Ex finance minister in his budget speech in 2011 have mooted the need of unification of various taxes, with a gradual decrease in the amount of taxes, a person pays. But in 2012 he became the President of India and who went in isolation; the unification issue or the then finance minister, is anybody’s guess.

India ranks in top 50 of the most corrupted countries list. If anyone becomes a member of legislative assembly or parliament or is given any ministry, then his income rises abruptly. In 1986, the then Prime minister has admitted 86% loot in public accounts. And in 2013, what is the % of loot is again anybody’s guess.

Even the national highways in some states make mockery of the development claims of the government. Fiddling in the basic amenities is rampant above expectations. But, the government’s reluctance in solving or channelizing or upkeep of the existing amenities and policies is more painful. And why they will do this, when most of their energy is being wasted in their survival?- and the cover fire in rescuing the culprits(throwing the country in a state of uncertainty and chaos may be assumed to be the cover fire for the various scams).

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