Friday, 29 November 2013

The reality behind Social and Political organisations

From one point of view, social and political institutions are obviously human constructs, like buildings or machines. They have identifiable origins, they are consciously contrived, and operated to serve certain purposes and interests, and alterable by deliberate acts of will. Human evils are social evils, produced by a defective social system. Change the system and the abuses will be removed. A just notion of the nature and purposes of the institutions is all that we need to implement better practices, since society is simply an aggregate of the individuals who compose it, and individuals are both rational and free.

From another point of view, social life is not so consciously controllable. It is like nature, already there, already given. We have no choice about whether or not to enter society-- we are born into it, not contracted into it, and the laws and forces that govern our behaviour( economic, social, cultural, psychological, sexual) are never more than partially visible to us, if at all. Institutions are not the direct products of fiat, but sum of its individual parts, and its complex inter-relations are extended in space and time beyond the span of an individual life. Time and contingent circumstances may divert and transform human purposes in undreamed-of ways; as when, for instance, a movement to tighten up Church discipline  in sixteenth-century became a reformation and split the Christianity.

With these two points in mind, several melodramas being staged in India and around the world can easily be understood.

Be it the latest Iranian pact, or Afghanistan's denial, or the caution money row in UK for Indians, or the formation of Aam Admi Party, and AAP blatantly refuting the charges against them as baseless, the Kapil's bouncers on the sex scandal( they have separate touchstone for themselves and others) and unsuccessfully trying to turn the attention back to the PM in waiting Mr. Narendra Modi in the snoopgate case, and a lots more such themes happening here,there and everywhere--certainly not without a reason or interest, of course.

Aren't they clearer than crystal now with the help of the two points elaborated in the beginning?

Interest is, and it was, and it will be, at the center-stage of all the social developments or degradation processes for unforeseen time to come, and it will remain on the driver's seat for ever, ever and ever. And the degradation process of a very highly respected party in the history of India has started, some 5 years back and it will reach its pinnacle very shortly. After-all, it will pay the price for sycophancy, incessant blabbing, non-performance etc., that is, following the notorious Machiavellian theory of governance(if told succinctly). And, above all, the way they are reacting to every situations only makes it more clearer that their days are numbered.

In the meantime, let's celebrate and applaud for the leaders involved in inking(rather solving the Iranian obduracy) a futuristic deal with Iran and bringing it to the talk-table. 

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