Friday, 5 July 2013

Food Security or Vote Security ?.

Respected Prime Minister ! Your persona, as an able financial administrator, is incontestable, and your record testifies this fact. In the studies, you have proved your mettle , not only in India but Britain also, and you have honed your skills in financial management on several successful assignments.

                         I’m not against the idea of your coming back to the helm again, as presaged by the political pundits, with the current caboodle of scattered and rambled opposition. I am cocksure that in declaring the Food Security Ordinance, your heart and mind would have been full of nobleness to help the poor and the downtrodden, and true in letter and spirit. There can’t be an iota of suspicion about your aristocracy, as you have proven time and again that, you are very delicate by heart and speech. 

           Welfare of 80 Crore impoverished multitude is no doubt a noble idea. But what about the other 50 Crore souls that dwell in India, with a burden of nation bulding, by promptly paying the taxes, and securing his/her own family’s present and future. With the current trend in inflation, both the ‘Tenses’ of the remaining hoi-polloi remains indefinite.

                                                                                      I’m unable to understand your restlessness, in bringing and coaxing, the FDI’s which are uncertain, as they are here only to do business, moving in and out at their will ; neglecting the 4-5 Lakh Crores of Rupees, which are either in Switzerland or somewhere else, as several scams that have broken into your regime, amount to in excess of Rs.3 Lakh Crores , if CAG’s report is to be belived. If you are so much keen in retaining your chair, that, you are unable to tap this staggering amount, then it contradicts your flamboyance of inspired nobleness towards the downtrodden. 

            Have you heard the rollicking cackle of Tomato at 80Rs./Kg and Corrionder at 200 Rs. on the  indian masses? The poverty-stricken are thankful to your government, for the projected modification in their vicissitudes of life, for 1Rs./Kg rice and 2Rs./kg wheat is enough for them to relax a bit, but this thankfulness would have been manyfold if vegetables were also included in your draft, for then, their food may have turned into yummy gluttony . Their daydream were terminated prematurely, with the reported loot and ground zero realities in MNREGA, and the new Food Security Bill is bound to shatter their dreams of a lucullan family-dinner.  

                                                                      That ,the new bill  is actually ‘Vote Security Bill’ is evident by its timing, and it is common people’s turn now, to facilitate your honourable exit with your cagey team, as you have already strolled into the history books with the dubious distinction of a learned politician but poor fielder(your nimbleness to catch the falling rupee with your reputed partner), and less concerned about the extra burden, the new law will inflict on the already heaving state coffers. Applauds to your floor management team then, for harnessing the CBI to the hilt and securing 10 sonorous years for you.

       The common people coming to terms with your fresh design-of beseeching their votes, and later tampering their sentiments boisterously- before the next electioneering, can’t be ruled out, as India has had this agility, to change its guard at the centre, and has proved it  repeatedly between 1977-2004.Let’s hope for the better and leave it into future’s womb to deliver a healthy government next time.

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