Saturday, 21 September 2013

Media should shun the extreme obnoxiousness

Betimes in the morning, all the news channels—with few exceptions—broadcast the preaching’s of some ‘Baba’ or God-man and in the afternoon they telecast the sensational revelations about them. What a contrast? Ethos of broadcasting transform into pathos of business first and in bathos later. In the morning it is business, but, in the evening it is their earnest and honest responsibility towards the nation, its people and its constitution. What a exquisite goof up of the business! Please stop airing their teachings first, and then tear them apart. That will be a genuine way. This double standards attracts derision of the highest degree, and the airing of these types of programs (rather pogrom of the sentiments) should be and must be stopped first.
            These channels manage some sullen ex-employees of the God-man. Each with a lot of secrets to spill out.  And amazingly, they all are not kids, not even adolescents but in their 40’s or 60’s. And all have parted from the God-man for reasons only known to them. But, were cowardice and fearful to the extent that they were in oblivion and hiding for more than a decade. But all of a sudden they have got all the might and guts and boldness and fearlessness to tell the truth to all Indians-- and are seen daily stereotypically quarreling with proponents of the God-man or religion. In my view they were the abettors of the crime, India is agog with now-a-days. And are liable to receive the harshest punishment Indian judiciary have. For, they may have checked the propagation of the rampage or molestation of the God-man had done on many innocent devotees, by their timely revelations. But, they did not. There were many means of the disclosures available, but they partook none. And I’m dead sure that  they didn’t parted ways with the God-man for good’s sake, but after failing to materialise the suitable price of keeping the secrets and misdemeanours of the God-man, they parted ways  and have come back only to take revenge on the fallen self-acclaimed incarnation of the Lord Krishna.  
Whatever be the outcome, the truth must prevail and should be welcomed by one and all. But, these channels also attract some punishment for playing double standards, both with the business ethics and the sentiments of people. So, some legal actions must be taken against them and the sullen beasts. I hope that this view of mine is taken by someone in good esteem, or, the court takes cognisance and files a case against these news channels itself--for abetting the crime by airing the convicts or under-trials and their pretenses.

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