Sunday, 22 September 2013

Vanity and self-esteem drives the 'Social media'

In his Noble Prize Acceptance speech, Bertrand Russell had touched on a stark reality. I urge you to go through the excerpts from that speech and indomitable philosophy……..

                             Vanity is a motive of immense potency.  Anyone who has much to do with children knows how they are constantly performing some antic, and saying,’ Look at me’.  ‘Look at me’ is one of the fundamental desires of human heart. It can take innumerable forms, from buffoonery to pursuit of posthumous fame. There was a Renaissance Italian princeling who was asked by the prieston his death-bed if he had anything to repent of. ‘yes’ he said, ‘there is one thing.  On one occasion I had a visit from the Emperor and the Pope simultaneously. I took them to top of my tower to see the view, and I neglected the opportunity to throw them both down, which would have given me immortal fame.’ History does not relate whether the priest gave him absolution.

By self-interest man has become gregarious, but in instinct he has remained to a great extent solitary; hence the need of religion and morality to reinforce self-interest. But the habit of foregoing present satisfaction for the sake of future advantages is irksome, and the passions are roused the prudent restraints of social behaviour become difficult to endure.( from A history of western philosophy).

A large proportion of human race, it is true, is obliged to work so hard in obtaining necessaries that little energy is left over for other purposes; but those whose livelihood is assured do not, on that account, cease to be active. Happiness is promoted by associations of persons with similar tastes and similar opinions.
Social intercourse may be expected to develop more and more along these lines, and it may be hoped that by these means the ‘ Loneliness’ that now afflict so many unconventional people will be gradually diminished almost to vanishing point.( from The Conquest of Happiness).

In order to be happy we require all kinds of self-esteem. We are human beings; therefore humans are the purpose of creation. We are Indians; therefore India is God’s own country. We are male; therefore women are unreasonable; or female; and therefore men are brutes. We are Easterners; and therefore the West is wild and woolly; or Westerners, and therefore the East is effete. We work with our brains; and therefore it is the educated class that are important; or we work with our hands; therefore manual labour alone gives dignity. Finally, and above all, we each have one merit which is entirely unique: we are our-self. With these comforting reflections we go out to do battle with the world; without them our courage might fail.( from ‘Unpopular Essays’).

The gist of quoting the legendary writer and philosopher and professor, from his various writings, can be summed up from his definition of ‘Good life’ in a single phrase: ‘the good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge'. But, Alas! Most of us stand deprived by the one or the other, and very few boast and condescend by their combo effect. The social media is also being used to pursue some interests lately; marketing, campaigning, spreading malignancy and hatred to name a few, but then, it is a ramification of the concept of 'Exploitation of the resources' to the fullest.

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