India was beaming with confidence, of its successful tryst with destiny a day after 'Phailin' passed off India's coast, unleashing lesser mayhem than expected, and its technology minister was seen boastfully taking credit and patting his own shoulders for MET department's accurate predictions two days after the cyclone Phailin's landfall in the coastal region. He should have waited and traced the monstrous wind's advancements in interior parts of India a little more and would have worked hard to minimize the peripheral effects of the Cyclone Phailin.
Aided by technology, we bravely withstood the inevitable face-off with the tormenting winds at the place of its landfall, but we lost our attention to follow its progress afterwards. Had we paid heed to the MET department's other warnings, we may have prepared ourselves for any exigency. But, ruefully Phailin gave its maximum blow in an acclaimed insurgent state, led by an another technocrat, who is more concerned with NAMO tornado than the above said cyclone.
The government in Bihar should take responsibility, in its failure in rescuing the lives lost due to heavy rains resulting from the cyclonic--and the much acclaimed government in Madhya Pradesh is also not far behind from its former ally in dereliction of its duty. Sadly, we collared the monster bravely, but it wrecked havoc with its tails and thus frittered away the India's initial technological advantage.
Aided by technology, we bravely withstood the inevitable face-off with the tormenting winds at the place of its landfall, but we lost our attention to follow its progress afterwards. Had we paid heed to the MET department's other warnings, we may have prepared ourselves for any exigency. But, ruefully Phailin gave its maximum blow in an acclaimed insurgent state, led by an another technocrat, who is more concerned with NAMO tornado than the above said cyclone.
The government in Bihar should take responsibility, in its failure in rescuing the lives lost due to heavy rains resulting from the cyclonic--and the much acclaimed government in Madhya Pradesh is also not far behind from its former ally in dereliction of its duty. Sadly, we collared the monster bravely, but it wrecked havoc with its tails and thus frittered away the India's initial technological advantage.
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