Thursday, 27 February 2014

Disrobing the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi

Till yesterday, I had a respect of the highest order for Mr Salman Khurshid, but after hearing his jibes on his adversary, that concept--the respect--stands subdued. He was claiming to own the legacy of Gandhi. The legacy of Gandhi's endurance and civility. But, without a minutes loss, the Gandhian philosophy took an ugly turn--a metamorphosis in the new decade--and what was coming out from Mr Khurshid's mouth was a rebuke, a castigation, a vituperation to not only the Gandhian philosophy, but to his lineage also, for, he happens to be a son of the ex-Union External Affairs Minister--Md Khurshid Alam Khan and great grand son of the third president of India, Dr. Zakir Hussain.

I haven't had heard a politics of this sort in my thirty and six years of my life, and from the mouth of an Oxford laureate, is unbelievable. Now, the automatic question arises that whether he has studied there or has managed a degree from Oxford anyhow, or, he has worked there as a peon or a sweeper. He has a very respectable lineage. But, that lineage--the tahzib and tamiz of his Union minister father and highly respected maternal grandfather--the third President of India Late Md Zakir Hussain--stands rebuked also with his latest barb of the meanest degree.

There is no dearth of issues in India, why then the political water is getting murkier day by day? Whether to show allegiance of the highest degree to the chairperson or some one else? And how anyone can be so dead sure of anyone's impotence? Isn't it seem premonitory for the time to come? Whatever be the silver lining of this cloudy phase of Indian politics, one thing is sure that these learned people, in their quest of victory in the coming general elections, will not hesitate in posing in their birth-suites in front of general public and stripping others also, to feel at home in the election frenzy environment. And what happened in 1947--when millions were pogromed--in 1984 or in 1992 was their virility, their potency.

Whatever result the general election 2014 will throw, it certainly will not have the grand old party of India in the picture, for, the comments from so learned and astute persons like Khurshid's may be a presage of time to come for the Congress party. No apology will suffice to retrieve the legacy of the Mahatma. And the learned class will remain moving away from Congress with jibes like this. He must be reprimanded severely, not to tarnish the image of Nehru, Gandhi and Maulana Azad anymore.

And Khurshid Alam Khan, Zakir Hussain, St. Xavier, St. Stephens, St. Edmund all stood with their head bowed in the heaven, the first two for being their ancestor and the Saints for their schools from where this laureate was molded.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Why are you crying Rahul?

That law takes its own course is well known. But, it sends quivers to certain faces and grief to the others is well known as well.

The latest release verdict given to the killers of India's ex-prime minister has sent more shocks than quivers. If his son is denouncing the verdict, what can be expected of the vox populi. His sentiments seems more or less synchronized with the sentiments of the general public.

Neglecting the prospects of his party in the coming election, Rahul's ire has sent seismic waves across the country. And it will have devastating ramifications in Tamil Nadu also--as far as congress' electoral prospects are concerned. But, one prominent question still lingers in my mind that why the congress regime has waited for ten years to decide on the fate of the culprits. Haven't they made mess of this affair? And, after twenty years if the supreme court has rescinded his hanging--and turned it into a life sentence--then it seems right that it should not be delayed any more. For, the justice delayed is justice denied.

Therefore, the statement issued by Mr Rahul Gandhi should be seen as the cry of a son for his beloved father. Its an act of ostentation, not a remorse for the injustice done to the slain ex-premier; he would have dictated terms when the mercy petitions were pending with the various authorities in his government, not now. India have seen his sheer astuteness in politics for the last ten years, and the degree of loot, graft and inflation in government institutions as well as in the private ones stands witness to the claim that he is riding on the charisma of his lineage, not his persona.

Generations have known to be perished in search for judgments on petty issues; many have died in the penitentiary and many are still languishing in jail convicted in a crime much inferior in degrees. So, its time now to give a green signal to the reforms in the judicial system, so that people get justice on time, not the dates.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

The Illicit love affair ends on Valentines's Day

Government formation in Delhi was a bitter pill to swallow. But, Mr Kejriwal sugared the pill with his statesmanship. And as his history reckons, he always has an itchy feet. So, he brought the curtains down on a drama, he has authored himself. As the entry was bitter, so was the exit--very swift.

Cutting a long story short, everyone is happy now: Mr Kejriwal and his coterie for getting ample time to recharge their batteries before going into the hustings; Congress for having killed two birds from one stone--thwarting BJP from forming government as well as showing the nation, the hollowness and ineptitude of the neophyte party in running a government;  the BJP for having got rid off the political mesh and an unceasing opprobrium it was in; and the common man from guessing the numbered days of the government and being able to breathe freely again .

Having tested the first blood of governance, Aam Adami Party will be more deadly now, not only for its adversaries, but, for itself also--a self-destructive mode. If it manages few seats in the general elections then, certainly it will survive--the acid test--otherwise the history awaits eagerly to take it into its lap.

That the government in Delhi was illegal, illicit and unprincipled was the uproar from all quarters from the day one of the government. And now as the illicit relations have been snapped on the day of love--the Valentine's Day, Delhi will be happy again for becoming the bone of contention of all the leading parties.

Mr Kejriwal is on the cloud nine now after the Delhi show; and so is his team. Whether Namomania will materialize or the dirge RaGa of Congress will prevail, is left to be seen. But, going from 'India Shining' of BJP(rather NDA) in 2004 to shining the personality and charisma of the scion in 2014, one thing is certain; the 'Shining' catchword will bring shindigs for the one party and submerge the other in its own high tide ; but, the fledgling of Indian politics is sure to ascend the political chart.

Ironically, as Mr Kejriwal has gained experience in governance like other astute leaders, Indians are set to witness new trickeries of fooling them; as, no one is interested in solving the common man's problem, only in encasing their plight and making a fortune for himself, his family, and a caravanning for his/her organisation. But, certainly no one willing to lessen their woes--for the time being.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Alas! The North-East Frontier was given importance then

If after 66 years of Independence, center is deeply thinking to address the woes of the people of north-east, it seems preposterous that ruling in nearly all the North-East states after Independence, the region still needs a plan to be chalked out to lessen and address their neglect and misery?

What happened to Nido, or to two women, or to many like them points its finger on the Congress. The region was not given importance right from the beginning. Britishers created the North-East Frontier not for development but for business. After all, they were here to do business only.

That the region was cynosure of Chinese eyes from 1826 is well documented. The McMohan Line, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and Assam still remain disputed areas in Chinese eyes, which is a more worrisome affair for India. And even after fifty one years of the Sino-Indian War, the border conflict remains unresolved then who is to be blamed for? They all not only point a finger on the will of the Indian government to solve the issue, but on the root-cause of the plight of the people from north-east also. Sadly, the root-cause is the Congress party.

It is always better late than never. Mr Rahul Gandhi may be right in asking the home ministry to setup a committee to address the concerns of north-easterners, but he should also cogitate on the things, which have resulted in an uneven development of India after independence. And Independent India has had more committee's than anything else. Let's hope that he gets ample time on cogitation after the general elections. And the nascent government in Delhi should bring the culprits to book--who are said to be AAP's cadre--and stop playing the vote politics.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

अपना काम बनता, भाड़ में जाये जनता

ग्यारह खिलाडियों ने ये तय किया है कि आगामी प्रधानमंत्री पदक के लिए साथ में क्षेत्र-रक्षण करेंगे। विरोध में बस दो बल्लेबाज हैं, और एक रनर भी। पर, यह रनर दौड़ किसके लिए रहा है, पहेली है।अंपायर या तो कोई नहीं, या ,एक, वो भी  अक्षम ; और दर्शक बहुत सारे, पर सब मूक, सब दिग-भ्रमित, सारे किंकर्तव्यविमूढ़।

जब किसी से बात बनी नहीं, या सपनों को पंख नहीं मिले, या पंख कुतर दिए गए, या अपनी मिटटी पलीद होती दिखी,तब ख्याल आया नया दल बनाने का। दाल नहीं गली तो क्या हुआ, दल ही सही, बस एक मात्रे की ही तो कमी है, ख्याली पुलाव तो बन ही जायेगा--कड़वा, अस्वादिष्ट,अनपेक्षित,असमय  व  अतर्क़संगत।

और डरने की क्या बात है, एक ही बल्लेबाज़ तो   फॉर्म में है, दूसरा बुरे दौर से गुज़र रहा है, और जो रनर है, वो बल्लेबाज़ी तो कर ही नहीं सकता, बस दौड़ सकता है, सो, यही मौका है अपनी दाल पकाने की।

पर, सामंजस्य बैठना टेढ़ी खीर होगी, क्योंकि इस टीम में सब कप्तान हैं, उप-कप्तान कोई नहीं। अब फील्डिंग कैसी होगी, और  टीम का प्रदर्शन कैसा होगा यह सोच का विषय हो सकता है। १९८९ में भी इनलोगों ने एक टीम बनायीं थी, नहीं चली, ९८-९९ और सन २००४ में भी बनाने कि कोशिश की, बनी तो थी पर चली नहीं, और जिसकी जिधर दाल गली, उधर शामिल हो गया भोज में।

साथ में घी पिया तो कोई आपत्ति नहीं, पर सपने टूटते नज़र आये तो नाता ही तोड़ लिया। दूसरा, अब भी घी पी रहा है, पर शेखी बघार रहा है कुछ और की। पता नहीं , कुछ ने तो फील्डिंग में नए नुस्खे भी अपनाएं हैं, पैकर जैसी , पैकर के दुस्साहस ने विश्व क्रिकेट का प्रारूप ही बदल दिया, अब ये लोग भारतीय राजनीती की बदलेंगे। जो भी हो, नतीज़ा जैसा भी हो, डफली लेकर क्षेत्र-रक्षण करने के दो फायदे हैं, अपना समय भी बीतेगा और लोगों का मनोरंजन भी होगा। अब, तारतम्यता कितनी होगी इस नयी-नवेली, अद्भुत,अनोखी, अप्रतिम और कप्तान रहित टीम में इसकी मत सोचिये, ये सोचिये कि प्रधानमंत्री की कुर्सी तो एक ही है, तो क्या अभी जो कुर्सी है, उसे तोड़कर ग्यारह नयी कुर्सियां बनेगीं , जिनमे कुछ न कुछ हिस्सा पुरानी  कुर्सी का होगा ?

 सोचिये, समझिये और कल्पना कीजिये, क्या वीभत्स संगीत-ध्वनि निकलेगी जब सब अपनी डफली अपना राग अलापेंगे। २७२ का आंकड़ा पार करने के लिए अपनी संख्या आये न आये, दोनों बल्लेबाज़ अगर मिलकर २७२ के आंकड़े से पीछे रहे, तब दिखेगी करामात, तोड़ने-जोड़ने और विध्वंस की। तब, अछूत और सांप्रदायिक का भाव मिट जायेगा, क्योंकि तब राष्ट्र-भावना एवं जनहित के परदे के पीछे सब नाचेंगे, मदमस्त होके, और गाना बजेगा--अपना काम बनता, भाड़ में जाये जनता। 

Uprooting corruption

The current furore against corruption in India is not new; demonstrations and change of governments have also taken  place before. And this theme is not bound in Indian subcontinent only, but has footprints worldwide. In India, we call it 'Bhrashtachaar', which is debauchery in English, in other countries it is followed by Gate suffix. The names can be different in different parts of the world, but the essence remains the same. If the immoral act is detected, then the inquiry takes a long time to bring culprits to book; and if not detected or reported, it goes unnoticed; and thus flourishes. 

In India, several parties are beating about the bush, violently but sceptically, to get rid of this epidemic in 2014. One has changed the government in one of the states, another has managed to pass the bill to stop corruption, and yet another has increased its rhetoric against corruption by degrees. God knows, how far they will go, in their endeavour to get rid of this curse to humanity, to state or to the nation. But one thing is clearer than crystal that no party wishes to uproot it; all will blab with vigour on the subject, but walk hand in glove with those held guilty by the court, or, against whom inquiry is still underway.

Whatever step any party or person or government takes to get rid of this curse on governance; everyone is forgetting or neglecting the entity that has to stop these malpractices--the Police. And although there are other points which are to be tightened or taken care of, if India wishes to see this curse depart for heavenly abode for ever; police in India is the first and simplest step to curb this nemesis to development. Until, the police, which is drowned in corruption up to the neck, is reformed to take this monster head on nothing will happen; and we will be back to square one even after equipping the government with tons of steps.

Although, there are several points, on which the governments and the judiciary has to work for, like: the impeccable mechanism, quick redressal system, punishments, change of mind-set; regulating and inciting the ethos, pathos and bathos of the societies or of the Nation. But all these steps will be null and void until there will be mankind on Earth, for, the mankind, right from the days of Adam and Eve, has been cursed to be accompanied by the Evil for ever. And so, the Evil is ubiquitous. You can’t get rid of it, only lessen its effect to some extent.

So, amidst all the ruckus and brouhaha around corruption, the police has a special role in curbing this curse on mankind, on any nation or, the Planet as a whole. They are the root, and a mammoth hindrance in curbing this menace. 

Let's formulate the laws, which will be severest in degrees, if a policeman is caught taking or indulged in corrupt practices. And I bet, if Police stops taking bribes, or, are abstained from indulging in corrupt practices anyhow(may be law); the days are numbered for the corruption monster and its worshipers, in India, In Asia or anywhere in the world; where there is law, court and the Police. 

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Buffalo's basic Instincts

Yesterday, Mr Khan's sensible, intellectually advanced buffalo's herd hogged the limelight. They were peeved by the news of jamboree's junket spree; and were sulking to take revenge from the messiah of a community. The buffalo leader was heard claiming that they nourish the bellwether to take the opposition head on; but, were not provided the imported husk on time. So, they decided to walk free and give pains to their owner and teach him a lesson. After all, they also have the animal instincts like their bellwether and the communalism tag can't be imposed on them. And  it has been discovered that they roamed in all directions, all apart. And one of them was very sorry when nabbed so close to Namo's rally. After all, it was his sole wish to listen to the ultra common man and spread his message to the animals in a parentho language. Alas, they were not caught! then the bellwether would have learnt a lesson or two about the pain of losing near and dear ones.

But, Mr Bellwether , please respect animal's basic instincts at least, for, they do not know about communalism or divisive forces. They only know about the green tuft, grass and husk. And they are expecting the imported husk from you today. Please give them the lucullan party they are demanding for, for, humans will never get a real one, only chimerical party is their due, and will get that only .

This is Politics Mr Kejri

You will have to cope up with not only visible threats but, invisible threats also, to materialise your bigger dreams Mr Kejri. After all, they all are a part and parcel of governance--Rajniti. Don't expect that every one will throw their olive branch for you to continue with your heroism. Where their prospect will go then? they also have ambitions and expectations. Don't expect that they will remain satiated for long and a mute spectator of your gimmickries, trickeries, showism, and celestial thoughts.

 Not only your ex-colleagues are becoming rebellious but are leaving your party levelling serious charges on your intentions, thinking and deeds, thus tarnishing your image by degrees, which will certainly play spoilsport in the upcoming general elections for you and your party, if you have any.

The dissidence, connivance, rebellion and trickeries to topple the government are not the attributes patented by you only, and are always there, ubiquitous, in other people also, innately and naturally.

So, when the game is on, don't throw a dolorous countenance every time: gravity, suaveness and calm must also be thrown to incite confidence in your followers. Otherwise, they will start believing that they were fooled, and hooked, and crooked, and rebounded by a failed technocrat cum administrator cum politician. And all the things happening  today were only their passing fancies which is poised to get an abrupt end, today or tomorrow.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

करनी कुकूर नाम महादेव !

मगही में मशहूर कहावत है करनी कुकूर नाम महादेव। बड़े बड़े दावे--निस्संदेह खोखले; बड़ी-बड़ी बातें--वो भी छूछा; बड़े बड़े दिखावे--वो भी तुच्छ। अब सिर्फ बातें बनाने और लम्बी फेहरिस्त दिखाने, और सबको चोर-चुहाड़  भर कहने और धरने-प्रदर्शन से ही सारे वादे पुरे होंगे क्या? या कुछ राज-काज की चीज़ें भी प्रतिपादित होंगी?

दिल्ली में बलात्कार रुक नहीं रहे, भ्रष्टाचार कम हुआ नहीं, बिजली और पानी की समस्याएं सुरसा कि तरह मुंह बाये खड़ी है, तो क्या बकर बकर करने और यहाँ-वहाँ अव्यवस्था फैला के अपने आप को सिद्ध करेंगे ? जल्दी कीजिये जो करना चाहते हैं या इच्छा रखते हैं, इतने छोटे पैमाने पे तो कुछ कर नहीं पा रहे , राष्ट्रीय स्तर पे खाक करेंगे। समझ गया आप सिर्फ भाषण बाजी और दिवा-स्वप्न दिखने में विश्वास रखते हैं, अगर ऐसा ही था तो कांग्रेस और बीजेपी में क्या खराबी थी, कम से कम आशा के अनुरूप तो थे। कुछ आशा ही नहीं रहती थी , इसलिए दर्द भी कम होता था उनकी अकर्मण्यता पे। अब अगर ऐसे ही कार्यों में लिप्त रहे तो वक़्त नहीं लगेगा बदलाव कि आंधी में उड़ने में, जिस गति से आपने राजनीति में प्रवेश किया है, निकास और तीव्र एवं दर्दनाक होगा , विश्वास रखिये(एक विश्वास जी तो हैं ही )।  और अगर अपनी वर्तमान कार्यशैली में परिवर्तन किये बिना भौंकने में ही लगे रहे और कुछ किया नहीं  तो फिर कहावत तो चरितार्थ हो ही जायेगी  -" करनी कुकूर, नाम महादेव", आखिर कांग्रेस वाले ऑक्सीजन कि आपूर्ति करेंगे कब तक? तभी तक, जब तक खुद उनकी सांस न घुटने लगे या उनकी किरकिरी हद को पार न करने लगे। है कि नहीं परविंदरजी ?

But lull always succeeds and follows the storm

That this leader would be different from others was a feeling a month before, not now. The turning of the events, and the ruckus in which the country is currently in, makes it more lucid that this new acclaimed avatar of Lord Shri Ram is only here to deceive people, not to deliver. And after the whip of Election Commission becomes visible, this heroism will be gone.

But, before the model code of conduct comes into force, the leaders will sort to all types of shenanigans, which throws the nation in a complete chaos; benefiting them, and hiding their failures and non-performances. And they will become solemnly dead silent  after. So, until then watch out for some more and more nomadic such lists, incendiary statements, and bunkum comments.

The core subject of corruption is back with aplomb; and with a list also. He won Delhi, and the rhetoric of taking action against the corrupts was thrown in a back-burner. He will win few seats in the general elections and corruption will descend from their priority list. They are here to make fool of the people. They are learned people and they know how to fool people with new contrivances. They also know how to sensitize the nation and attract attention. These new breed of politicians who declare themselves as an epitome of probity, are here for personal gains, not for charity. Be sure about that. How can they be judged on the honesty scale, when they are so new in this field? The mental wear and tear is bound to happen to them, and time has proved this assumption so often.

Such desperation for power ? Doesn't it seem nomadic? Of-course Yes!, And they will breed more and more nomads in the country by their atavistic theories and ideologies. This broom is a broom, a symbol or a magic wand also? Or,the broom with which they wish to clean everything morbid and corrupt in the country--the mosquitoes will be their worst enemy then, for they can't breed in a clean and hygienic environment. But, in India the ladies also use the same broom to punish their erring husbands, hooligans and the immorals. I will urge them not to use a softer one, which will give more pleasure and tickling than pain, when it comes to punishing these mushrooming men. And the latest proposed hike in electricity bills in Delhi is creating such a situation. Then brooms will be replaced by lathis: More hard and more painful when used to punish someone.

Road politics can't be elixir to all the sins done by homo-sepians. Demonstrations are not a solution to all the problems India faces today. But, then politics is said to be self-correcting. And the speed with which the new political entity has emerged, and spread, and is burgeoning also points towards another fear, will it descend the hillock of popularity and success at a speed much faster than its ascent? Time will tell. For the time being enjoy your tea/coffee watching these joker's voluble performance, beautifully but preposterously.

After May this year, there will be serene silence all-around. This time the lull will follow the storm, not precede it, and will wash out the blabbers, liars, provocateurs, and non-performers not for ever, but only for an incubation time. For, there will be more aftershocks and casualties after the results. Jai Ho !