Saturday, 15 February 2014

The Illicit love affair ends on Valentines's Day

Government formation in Delhi was a bitter pill to swallow. But, Mr Kejriwal sugared the pill with his statesmanship. And as his history reckons, he always has an itchy feet. So, he brought the curtains down on a drama, he has authored himself. As the entry was bitter, so was the exit--very swift.

Cutting a long story short, everyone is happy now: Mr Kejriwal and his coterie for getting ample time to recharge their batteries before going into the hustings; Congress for having killed two birds from one stone--thwarting BJP from forming government as well as showing the nation, the hollowness and ineptitude of the neophyte party in running a government;  the BJP for having got rid off the political mesh and an unceasing opprobrium it was in; and the common man from guessing the numbered days of the government and being able to breathe freely again .

Having tested the first blood of governance, Aam Adami Party will be more deadly now, not only for its adversaries, but, for itself also--a self-destructive mode. If it manages few seats in the general elections then, certainly it will survive--the acid test--otherwise the history awaits eagerly to take it into its lap.

That the government in Delhi was illegal, illicit and unprincipled was the uproar from all quarters from the day one of the government. And now as the illicit relations have been snapped on the day of love--the Valentine's Day, Delhi will be happy again for becoming the bone of contention of all the leading parties.

Mr Kejriwal is on the cloud nine now after the Delhi show; and so is his team. Whether Namomania will materialize or the dirge RaGa of Congress will prevail, is left to be seen. But, going from 'India Shining' of BJP(rather NDA) in 2004 to shining the personality and charisma of the scion in 2014, one thing is certain; the 'Shining' catchword will bring shindigs for the one party and submerge the other in its own high tide ; but, the fledgling of Indian politics is sure to ascend the political chart.

Ironically, as Mr Kejriwal has gained experience in governance like other astute leaders, Indians are set to witness new trickeries of fooling them; as, no one is interested in solving the common man's problem, only in encasing their plight and making a fortune for himself, his family, and a caravanning for his/her organisation. But, certainly no one willing to lessen their woes--for the time being.

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