Tuesday, 4 February 2014

This is Politics Mr Kejri

You will have to cope up with not only visible threats but, invisible threats also, to materialise your bigger dreams Mr Kejri. After all, they all are a part and parcel of governance--Rajniti. Don't expect that every one will throw their olive branch for you to continue with your heroism. Where their prospect will go then? they also have ambitions and expectations. Don't expect that they will remain satiated for long and a mute spectator of your gimmickries, trickeries, showism, and celestial thoughts.

 Not only your ex-colleagues are becoming rebellious but are leaving your party levelling serious charges on your intentions, thinking and deeds, thus tarnishing your image by degrees, which will certainly play spoilsport in the upcoming general elections for you and your party, if you have any.

The dissidence, connivance, rebellion and trickeries to topple the government are not the attributes patented by you only, and are always there, ubiquitous, in other people also, innately and naturally.

So, when the game is on, don't throw a dolorous countenance every time: gravity, suaveness and calm must also be thrown to incite confidence in your followers. Otherwise, they will start believing that they were fooled, and hooked, and crooked, and rebounded by a failed technocrat cum administrator cum politician. And all the things happening  today were only their passing fancies which is poised to get an abrupt end, today or tomorrow.

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