The current furore against corruption in India is not new; demonstrations and change of governments have also taken place before. And this theme is
not bound in Indian subcontinent only, but has footprints worldwide. In India, we call it
'Bhrashtachaar', which is debauchery in English, in other countries it is followed by
Gate suffix. The names can be different in different parts of the world, but
the essence remains the same. If the immoral act is detected, then the inquiry takes a long time to bring culprits to book; and if not detected or reported, it goes unnoticed; and thus flourishes.
In India, several parties are beating about the bush, violently but sceptically, to get
rid of this epidemic in 2014. One has changed the government in one of the
states, another has managed to pass the bill to stop corruption, and yet
another has increased its rhetoric against corruption by degrees. God knows,
how far they will go, in their endeavour to get rid of this curse to humanity,
to state or to the nation. But one thing is clearer than crystal that no party
wishes to uproot it; all will blab with vigour on the subject, but walk
hand in glove with those held guilty by the court, or, against whom inquiry is
still underway.
Whatever step any party or person or government takes to get rid of this
curse on governance; everyone is forgetting or neglecting the entity that has
to stop these malpractices--the Police. And although there are other points
which are to be tightened or taken care of, if India wishes to see this curse
depart for heavenly abode for ever; police in India is the first and simplest
step to curb this nemesis to development. Until, the police, which is drowned
in corruption up to the neck, is reformed to take this monster head on nothing
will happen; and we will be back to square one even after equipping the
government with tons of steps.
Although, there are several points, on which the governments and the
judiciary has to work for, like: the impeccable mechanism, quick redressal
system, punishments, change of mind-set; regulating and inciting the ethos,
pathos and bathos of the societies or of the Nation. But all these steps will
be null and void until there will be mankind on Earth, for, the mankind, right from the
days of Adam and Eve, has been cursed to be accompanied by the Evil for ever.
And so, the Evil is ubiquitous. You can’t get rid of it, only lessen its effect
to some extent.
So, amidst all the ruckus and brouhaha around corruption, the police has a special role in curbing this curse on mankind,
on any nation or, the Planet as a whole. They are the root, and a mammoth hindrance in curbing this menace.
Let's formulate the laws, which will
be severest in degrees, if a policeman is caught taking or indulged in corrupt
practices. And I bet, if Police stops taking bribes, or, are abstained from
indulging in corrupt practices anyhow(may be law); the days are numbered for the corruption
monster and its worshipers, in India, In Asia or anywhere in the world; where
there is law, court and the Police.
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