Friday, 31 January 2014

गांधीजी की आत्मा

कल महत्मा जी की पुण्य-तिथि थी। जाहिर है मीडिया में इसे पर्याप्त जगह मिलनी चाहिए थी, मिली, पर उतनी नहीं जितनी उम्मीद थी। सारा समय और संचार माध्यम का ध्यान तो एक विधयक जी ने ले ली। क्यों यह सब को पता है, केजरीवाल जी लोकसभा चुनाव में दिल्ली में और बेहतर प्रदर्शन कि उम्मीद में कुछ वैसे कदम उठाते जा रहे हैं, जिससे लोगों का मोह भंग होने लगा है। वैसे मुद्दे जिसे सब पढ़े-लिखे लोग समझता हैं और न छेड़ना ही बेहतर समझते हैं, उन्हें छेड़ने में केजरीवाल जी वीरता समझते हैं शायद, तभी तो चौरासी के दंगे, बटला हाउस आदि उन्हें अनायास ही स्मरण हो जाता है, पर इसके अलावे भी कई मुद्दे हैं, बेहद जरूरी और अति-महत्वपूर्ण उन्हें वोट दिलाऊ नहीं लग रहे। अब कल का काण्ड सुनियोजित था या असुनियोजित मंथन का विषय तो है, पर क्लिष्ट नहीं। क्या चाल चलने सिर्फ उन्हें ही आता है ? सब इस खेल में माहिर हैं। सो, उन्हें अब अपनी रोटी सोच समझ से सेकनी होगी, नहीं तो रोटी भी जलेगी और हाथ भी, सपना टूटेगा सो अलग।

महात्मा गांधी क्या चाहते थे? और चउदह अगस्त उन्नीस सौ सैंतालीस को जब सारा देश जश्न या मार-काट में जुटा था और नेहरूजी भाषण और भारतवासिओं को दिवा-स्वपन दिखने में लगे थे, बेचारे महात्मा कलकत्ता में अपनी ज़िन्दगी का आखिरी चमत्कार कर रहे थे। आश्चर्य जनक रूप से जब सारा उत्तर भारत दंगो से जूझ रहा था, कलकत्ता शांत था। उस समय क्या बीजेपी वाले थे दंगों में शामिल ? नहीं ना ? फिर आज ये प्रश्न बार बार क्यों? क्योंकि कुर्सी की खातिर नेहरु जी ने उस समय भी समझौता करना मुनासिब नहीं समझा था, और उनके वंसज अब भी  नहीं कर रहे हैं। अगर देशहित ही सर्वोपरि था, तो जिन्ना को प्रधानमंत्री की कुर्सी  देके रोक सकते थे वो विभाजन, पर उन्होंने नहीं रोकी। गांधी जी जो चाहते थे, उसका छटांक भर भी नहीं हुआ। अब छेयाषठ वर्षों के बाद भारत को उनकी इच्छा की तरह बनाने का दावा या दम्भ क्यों ?

इतिहास गवाह है कि नेहरू जी अपनी बात थोपवाने के लिए पटेल साहब, राजेंद्र प्रसाद जी, मौलाना आज़ाद जी, सबसे वैमनस्य पाली। और उनके वंसज अब उनकी ही सोच और जोश को नए तरीके से भारत में फैलाना चाहते हैं। पर नाम गांधी जी का। अन्यथा कश्मीर कि तरह सिंध-पंजाब प्रान्त कि कमान भी जिन्ना को सौंप देते, जैसा  की गांधी जी ने कहा था-- ऑटोनोमस डेमोक्रेसी के लिए।  पर ऐसा हुआ नहीं या जान बुझ के किया नहीं गया, क्योंकि, फिर विकास के अलावे विषय कहाँ बचता ?

 सिर्फ चुनाव के समय, अल्पसंख्यकों का गुणगान और चिंता सब कुछ साफ़-साफ़ बयां करती है। अगर, कुर्सी का मोह छोड़ उनके वंसज समेकित और समग्र समाज और देश के विकास की बात  करते तो कितना अच्छा होता।  पर चाटुकार नीतिकारों ने सब कुछ ताक़ पर रख दिया है और उल-जुलूल भाषण दिलवाते रहते हैं महोदया एवं उनके सुपुत्र से। गंजा-कंघी, और गांधी जी कि इच्छा के बारे में निसंदेह इन्होने नहीं पढ़ा होगा, वो वही मंच पे जाके पढ़ देते हैं, जो उन्हें दिया जाता है। अब बस कीजिये चाटुकार समुदाय वालों। देशहित और काल के अनुरूप भाषण तैयार करके उन्हें दीजिये, जिससे वैमनस्यता बढे नहीं घटे। पर, मुझे पता है आप ऐसा नहीं करेंगे, क्योंकि आपका महत्व और पहुँच जो घट जायेगी। और, कोई भी चाटुकारिता में ऐसे थोड़े ही घुसता है, अपना व्यक्तित्व, अपना वज़ूद सब कुछ कि बलि चढ़ा देता है, फिर उसके लिए देश क्या और देशवासी क्या?

गांधी जी यूँ तो उन्नीस सौ अडतालीस में मारे गए, पर उनकी आत्मा अब भी भटक रही है, मोक्ष कि तलाश में। या फिर, कैद कर ली गयी है, ताकि रह-रह कर वो कांग्रेस  वालों को दर्शन देते रहें और उन्हें फलाना-फलाना काम करने कि सलाह देते रहें। पता नहीं भारत उनकी सोच जैसा या उससे मिलता-जुलता कब बनेगा। पूरी ज़िन्दगी उन्होंने कोई कुर्सी नहीं ली, पर उनके परम-अनुयायी कुर्सी कुर्सी का रट लगा रहे हैं। इस कुर्सी के खेल में बेचारे गांधीजी कि आत्मा भटक रही है, और पता नहीं कब तक भटकेगी।

भगवान् गांधी जी कि आत्मा को शांति दें !

Thursday, 30 January 2014

सिर्फ़ सुरक्षा नहीं सर्वांगीण विकास ज़रूरी

कल उन्हें सुना, बड़े ही सुदृढ़ शब्दों में, नापाक की तो कल्पना करना ही बेईमानी है, अल्प-संख्यक असुरक्षित महसूस न करें हिंदुस्तान में। अरे भाई, वैदिक काल से ही हमारी परंपरा रही है-'जिओ और जीने दो' । अन्यथा इतने जो उथल पुथल हुए इस देश में कदापि न होते। इतना मार-काट, कत्लेआम, लूटपाट बिलकुल नहीं होता। तो, फिर असुरक्षित कौन है ? ये बड़ा, महत्वपूर्ण और अहम्  प्रश्न है। वो जो दो टुकड़े लेके भी, या वो जो दो टुकड़े दे के भी। बंद कीजिये राजनीति के नाम पे ये बुझ-बुझौअल। हम सब असुरक्षित हैं, आपके द्वारा पुष्पित-पल्लवित वातावरण में, या फिर कोई नहीं है, या फिर फायदे  के लिए असुरक्षित होने का बहाना बना रहे हैं या  फिर चादर ओढ़ के घी पीते रहना चाहते हैं । सारा सरकारी तंत्र और तामझाम, जिनके इर्द-गिर्द नृत्य कर रहा है, वो असुरक्षित हैं ? हास्यास्पद लगता है। सांप्रदायिक , सांप्रदायिक करके भी चारो राज्यों को बचा पाये क्या? नहीं ना, तो फिर ये दम्भ है या मन का बहलावा ?दस वर्ष क्या बासठ साल भी कम पड़े हैं, आपको सबको सुरक्षित महसूस करवाने में, क्या लगता है अगला पांच-वर्ष काफी होगा उनको जिनकी आपकी इतनी चिंता है, सुरक्षित करने में ?

                                 कट्टर सोच किसकी है, ये दिख रही है, युवा जोश तो अपना इरादा प्रकट कर ही चुकी है, कुछ उनके बारे में भी तो बोलिये जिनकी जनसँख्या एक अरब है भारत में ।  क्यूँ?क्या वो आपको वोट नहीं देते ? सिर्फ पच्चास लोक-सभा क्षेत्रो में ही अल्प-संख्यक परिणाम प्रभावित कर सकते हैं, बाक़ी का क्या ? अब मान जाइये परम आदरणीया, संत-रूपा, ममता कि प्रतिमूर्ति , आनदमयी, मातृस्वरूपा  कि आने वाला पल बहुसंख्यकों का है। फिलहाल, उन्हें आशीर्वाद दीजिये कि वो अगला पाँच वर्ष सकुशल सिर्फ जैसे-तैसे सरकार न चलायें, अपितु कुछ आम जनता के हित में कार्य भी करें और भारत को नयी उचाईयों पर ले जाएँ हर क्षेत्र में। । इससे आपकी एवं आपके युवा जोश धारक को समय भी मिलेगा आत्मा-मंथन के लिए और शांति भी, जिसकी आपको सख्त ज़रुरत है।

                                   वैसे, ऐसा नहीं है कि आपकी पूर्व-वर्ती सरकारों ने कार्य नहीं किया, किया है, तभी तो आज हम यहाँ हैं, पर और होती तो और अच्छा होता। पर, जिन परिस्थितियों में अपने अपनी इस सरकार को चलाया है, क़ाबिले तारीफ़ है, कोई और शायद ही कर पाता। पर, रुझानों से तो ये प्रतीत हो रहा है कि अगर अबकी बार फिर, लँगड़ी-लुल्ही सरकार येन-केन प्रकार बनी, तो हेन-तेन ज्यादा होगी, विकास कम। क्योंकि आपकी सारी शक्ति तो कुर्सी बचाने में लगी रहेगी, जैसी इस बार हुई, और सहयोगी घी पीते रहेंगे चादर ओढ़ के। जनता को तो असक्त करने के विधेयक में तो इतनी ताक़त ज़रूर है कि सब,(अल्प-संख्यक ज्यादा) आसक्त हो गए हैं आपके हाथ पे। चलिए , अंत में भगवान् से प्रार्थना, नम्र-निवेदन भी कर ही लूं कि आपकी सोच में बदलाव लाएं और  सबके लिए सुरक्षा ही नहीं सर्वांगीण विकास  आपके लिए सर्वोपरि हो, सिर्फ अल्पसंख्यको की सुरक्षा  नहीं। 

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Get married Mr RaGa !

The latest ad-campaign to uplift the popularity of the PM in waiting from the oldest party of India shows the desperation of the party to write the sequel to UPA 1 & 2 without loss of time. Nor, it will be too late. Nor, all the misdeeds of the incumbent government will be unearthed very soon. Nor, the prospects of the most eligible bachelor (may infuriate many) will remain in waiting for an unforeseen period of time. Nor, the vista now envisaged by many fawners will be lost in a maze. So, the campaign is showing the people from only one prominent minority community of India.

The incumbent government has had and it will have all Machiavellian tricks applied to return it in power handsomely after 2014 general elections. It tried to woo the voters by its late charge against corruption, the free meal legislation apart from its few existing programs. They have great expectations from the scion, and so they are up against everything. The much acclaimed game changer failed miserably in the recent assembly polls. Hence, they are now reinvigorating their party-men for the upcoming show. And for this, they are playing the communalism card to perfection.

But, my advices to the scion is—get married to a girl of other prominent community, or declare it. This will not only decipher the much acclaimed Namo effect, but it will become your masterstroke for your run towards PM chair also. So, don’t hesitate, grab the opportunity and declare the grand event before the model code of conduct is clamped. This masterstroke will be the real game changer, and your aspirations will be fulfilled in the coming elections only. Go! Get it. For, this single deadly  program will not only unleash a pogrom on all the oppositions and their prospects, but, all the angst of the people against your government will be transformed into a mesmerising atmosphere, and all of your failures and sins will be forgotten in its euphoria and your aura.

Monday, 27 January 2014

Reading the writing on the wall

In celebrating the sixty-fifth Republic Day, the President of India, it seems, has read the writing on the wall perfectly. The timing of his reproachful reproof is right or too late is a matter of punditry on the subject. But, whether his prediction bears fruits or not, the change is surely in the air. For, this urgency , the vitality for change is the produce of the incumbent government itself. It has created the vacuum and winds of change are rushing in to fill the vacuum, and thus making it into the whirlwind.

That change will surely happen at the center, got validated recently by two eminent survey houses, separately. All the issues prominently raised and cautioned by the President is timely or not? only time will tell. As I am not an authority to judge on the timing of this trounce by the President. But, being a common man--off course not as feigning as the corruption-crusader party--I've also felt and am still feeling the pinch of inflation in my day-to-day life.

If in 1975 it was Jay Prakash Narayan, in 1989 V.P.Singh, then in 2014 certainly it is Arvind Kejriwal. All of them were quick to grab the opportunity and threw out the same party in power. Sadly, Jay Prakash Narayan didn't lavished on the comfort of the chair in the same way as the two other leaders, said afore.

That the current government has risen from a deep sleep, but sadly only towards the fag end of its tenure: it has taken some measures to contain or lessen the common man's woes; and still taking few more before the model code of conduct comes into force, and encumbers its actions. And few bills passed recently or to be tested on the floor of the house are the result of current governments endeavours in saving its face from complete decimation on the national level in the forthcoming mega-festival of democracy.

But, history boastfully reckons that the roots of the party at the helm in center is so deep that it still can cross the three figure mark easily. But, that will be far less than the magic figure of 272 to write the sequel to UPA-1 and 2. And Indians will have to wait for few more years for this sequel. As political pundits have presaged a rise in stature of RaGa at the national level to the extent of securing the PM's chair for him after a decade or so.

The whirlwind, which a month ago was feared to encompass the whole India seems encumbered to the national capital only, barring few likely sparks rising from other places also. But, alas! the messiah will have to wait for few more years to let Indians dance to his tune, as the lathi-charges recently in Delhi has given more pains than gains, and has cautioned the common man to take precautions before blindfoldedly supporting the activism-lovers for everything. 

Whatever happens, or will happen after the general election, will depend upon the drudgery, the parties vying to hold office, will put in whole heartedly to en-cash their dreams. Indians will be indubitably thankful to the crusaders against corruption, for awakening the masses by degrees more than expected. And, whether the change will happen or not, and if yes; how many months it will last?--are few of the crucial questions rising in common man's mind, because several parties will be in the crucial role of king-makers; and all will bargain very hard to get the maximum profit out of it; as, most of them are not in politics for philanthropy, but to gain and rise. But, the nub of this discussion is--every cloud has a silver lining. And change is certainly in the air.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Being positive

If any of the constituents of the molecules; Atoms or Electrons, or Protons or Neutrons, or Positrons, or Quarks, or Pions, or Kaons, or Leptons, or Hadrons or Mesons or Bryons were capable of communicating with us, the humans, it would have been interesting. But, as being a Mechanical Engineer I do know that being positive is one thing and being stable is another. And engineers vie for stability in the machinery and the process, as, ramifications of being positively charged, that is instability, are many.

Brayons, the fundamental particles behind Protons, decay to become a Proton at last, which is stable. But, this is a matter of atomic scale. In the whole gamut of the atomic particles and its sub-particles, we come at last to the Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons. What is then the essence, beauty, and the need behind being positive only?

Plethora of books are in the market on positivity and its benefits. And all of them suggest and recommend that in order to be successful a person should always be positive: Should See only the brighter side of the picture and not even imagine the darker side. Thinking about the darker side will lead you towards failure. As if, the failures lay in ambush in the darker places. And they pounce upon the people who dare to dwell on their territory. Doesn't it seem farcical ? Making fool of oneself ? Can you, by your sheer thinking negate the existence of the negativity, the darkness, the iniquity, the evil ? In this scenario the world will lose its steam of forward movement. So, Negativity form an integral part of Nature.

The success comes to those who remain positive throughout their lives: the teachings of the various books on positivity reads like this. But, please tell me, can a positively charged mind be free from any effects of its surroundings? If I become highly positive minded; I certainly will thwart any ill-design of the negativity by a stroke taught by these books; will then they stop to exist on the planet or in our lives? Absolutely no, and a bigger NO. For the God has created both positive and negative. And they balance the whole nature. If any imbalance occurs anywhere the negatives run there to neutalize it. Yes, Neutralize it. Then Neutral must be the buzzword for the gen-next, betwixt to the positivity.

Let's see the matter, or things with balance,-- in Toto-- not in semblance of positivity. For, the neutrality will pave the way for revitalising in our quest for success. We should keep a strict vigil on our thought. Whether they are going in positive, constructive direction or negative, destructive direction. But again, they are the matter of the reference frame from where we are observing the phenomena, whether it is an inertial or non-inertial. But the question I am referring to, is neither of them, for they seem to be from relativistic kingdom. And observations on those fields invite the paradoxes, which most scientists are familiar with, not common people.

Before concluding on this subject, let's ask ourselves, which way you have the penchant to dwell, if it is going in the direction you have dreamt of,  then no need to read those fooling books on positivity, positivity are innate qualities of human beings. Nearly all leading lights of our generation, were ignorant of this new idea of selling books. For, they have invented  or written or lead a successful coup or life, and went on to be successful in their efforts by their willingness to succeed and reach their goal.

So, being concentrated on the goal, analysing the pros and cons of every actions or deeds, and being practical, in short--being neutral is the only methodical way out of this paradox of positivity and negativity.

So, where as positivity demands being a gigantic charge--very near impossibility, as, our movement then will be highly unpredictable --so that anyone can impart or induce those coming in its vicinity with  positivity--thus losing his own steam and urge in the process: the Neutrality is an easier option as it gives the freedom of becoming positive anytime by only shedding even a little negativity or getting easily induced by fractional segregation of charges within itself. Cogitate on the following examples:-

1) Unipolarity of the world was better or the bipolarity?; after the resurrection of the erstwhile USSR?

2) Why the half of the total wealth is held by 85 people on this planet? Is it the fault of our advancements in academic teachings or anything else that most of the people on this planet are deprived and will remain deprived till the time unknown?

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

गुनहगार कौन ?

चार बार में मैट्रिक पास किया तो क्या हुआ ? सारे देश को उसका सौ गुना परीक्षा दिलवाऊंगा। यही सोच रहे हैं देश के वर्त्तमान गृह मंत्री शायद। तभी तो इतना बड़ा झमेला चुपचाप देख रहे हैं , अपने कार्यालय कि खिड़की से, और तबतक देखते रहेगे जबतक कोई पत्थर उनके सर पे आके न गिरे। फिर, उस पत्थर के पीछे पूरा महकमा लग जायेगा या लगा दिया जायेगा। किसका हाथ था ? कौन लोग थे ? आप वाले आतंकवादी हैं, वगैरह-वगैरह।

स्वतंत्रता के बाद शायद ही कोई ऐसा निठल्ला गृह मंत्री बना हो, या बने। कमाल का व्यक्तित्व, आदर्श घोटाले  में नाम, मुज़फ्फरनगर में अकर्मण्यता जग-जाहिर ,चीनी घुसपैठ पे चुप, पाकिस्तान के दुस्साहस पे चुप। वाह ऊपर वाले। क्या सोच और सक्रियता से लबरेज़ गृह मंत्री दिया भारत को, जो अति-महत्वपूर्ण मुद्दों पे तो पार्टियों में ठुमके लगता है, पर अल्पसंख्यक वोटों के लिए अतिच्छुद्र व्यक्तव्य देता है। अब, दिल्ली में उनके द्वारा कोई ठोस कदम उठाया जायेगा, महज़ बेईमानी होगी, मिथ्या स्वप्न।

दुःख है दिल्लीवासिओं के लिए, जो कांग्रेस की नियत बिना समझे, नुक्कड़ सभाओं में केजरीवाल जी को सरकार बनाने की सलाह देते थे। या, केजरीवाल जी बाकि सब सम्भावनाओं को दरकिनार कर उस वास्तविकता को नहीं समझ पाये, जो मुह बाये उनका इंतज़ार कर रही थी। अब ये दिन तो देखना ही था , कोई वास्तविक आधार जो नहीं था, सरकार गठन के लिए। मतलब अभी दो-चार दिन और चलेगा ये नाटक, फिर पटाक्षेप हो जायेगा इस क्षण-भंगुर पराक्रम का और पराक्रमी का , पर अफ़सोस ! सातवां द्वार अभी और कुछ दिन अकछुन्न रहेगा , अटूट मगर भेद्य--नमो द्वारा।   

Impending tragedy

Is the home minister capable of delivering anything on time ? Watching the ruckus all around Delhi, immediately it can be deduced that he is good for nothing except some jibes for votes. If the seriousness of the demand is not beyond his jurisdiction; why he is not paying heed to the demands of the newly formed government in Delhi ? Obviously, he is playing politics. A dingy politics. Baba Ramdev met the same fate not long ago; when he was forced to flee the demonstration site in a girl's dress, otherwise he may have been decimated at the site of his demonstration itself.

This time, situation is somewhat different. Congress is caught in its own snare. The government running with its own support are up against it.

But, the question is, who is culprit of creating this chaos in the national capital ? The Chief-minister or the union Home-minister? Clearly both. Former knows that he has been given the reins of a wooden horse, and the later also knows that if he will hand over the reins of the real horse--the administration--the newly formed idle government will wreck havoc with its vigilantism and  valour. They are in the government to change the system, not to feast upon the comforts of governance. And they have the coming general elections also in their mind. So, they will play boisterously with everything in their hand : with a minimal concern for the safety,  security and convenience of the hoi polloi.

The whole nation is forced to watch this drama--written and directed by the Congress party. That this was a gimmick to malign the crusader's upsurge in the national arena was clear from day one. And, the men in the government in Delhi should realise that they are to gain nothing with their latest show(the ruckus), as, they will be back to square one after this episode. Charles Dickens has rightly said in David Copperfield that "you demand nothing and you will get no lies".

The AAP government's situation is precarious, and nonsensical, and unsafe, and uncertain. It should either resign and go back to the demonstration politics or keep mum and enjoy the warmth and comfort of the throne. For, the thorns form the integral part of the thrones from the time unknown. But, it seems they will opt for neither, because, the leaves of their own novella will then have to be ended sharply--a real impending tragedy.

Monday, 20 January 2014

रोड छाप राजनीति

अभी एक महीने भी नहीं हुए हैं, जब लोग विस्मित थे आप के प्रदर्शन से। किसकी सरकार बनेगी, कैसे बनेगी, कबतक चलेगी ? कैसे चलेगी ? इन सब प्रश्नो को धत्ता बता के आप ने सरकार बनायीं। कितनो के छाती पे मुंग दल के। पर  यह क्या ! तिलिस्म तो टूटता दिख रहा है। और टूटे भी क्यों ना ? बड़ी अकड़ के घोषणा करते थे, हम ये कर देंगे, हम वोह कर देंगे। इन लोगों को राजनीति पढ़ाएंगे। अब खुद ही पढ़ना पर रहा है ककहरा।

क्या हुआ ? कुछ नहीं कर सकते ? बस सिर्फ दिखावे कि सरकार है ? अब पता चला कि अपने नहीं फांसा था कांग्रेस को, कांग्रेस ने आपको फांसा था , आपकी विघटनकारी ताक़त को कम करने के लिए।  ये तो सरकार न हुई, तमाशा हो गया, और महानुभाव आप उस नाटक के मुख्य कलाकार। बधाई हो !

हमें ये चाहिए, अगर नहीं दिया तो रोड पे सो जायेंगे, वहीँ रहेगे, खायेंगे, पीयेंगे, मुसीबतें बढ़ाएंगे।  पर काम कुछ नहीं करेंगे। और करें भी कैसे ? जब सरकार रूपी झुन-झूने से बच्चों का रोना भी नहीं थम रहा।

तो बजाइये झुन-झुन्ना , शौक से , रोड पे ,मैदान में , घर में , सचिवालय में। जहाँ जी में आये, क्योंकि सरकार का तो तमाशा बना ही डाला है आपने।  अब अपनी ही बजा सकते हैं, स्व-विध्वंसकारी झुन-झुन्ना।

Making mockery of governance

One month before, he was the cynosure of all eyes, when he formed the government in Delhi, despite all odds. And he is the cynosure of all eyes once again. He escaped a certain stampede barely a fortnight ago, when he was trying to redefine the ways of governance; and whether he will escape the ruckus this time is a matter of concern, not only for him, but for the central government and the people of Delhi also.

Government formation was an enigma for the whole nation a fortnight ago--not now. Everyone was thinking about who has roped in whom? Congress in AAP's trap or vice-versa? But, now the picture is getting clear by each day passing. AAP is at the helm in Delhi , without any power. They can't suspend  SHOs. They can't do this; they can't do that. But, and a greater but, they can stage a demonstration. And road is the place where they feel at home. So, the bran-new government, by bran-new people, in not a bran-new place is on the road again.

Before making the poll promises, AAP people were aware that Delhi is the place where they can get a foothold, but a very unmanageable place to form a government and even more difficult a place to deliver. So, they are mending their ways by the latest demonstrative drive.

So, they have chosen the judicious path of demonstration. Demonstration in the name of autonomy, or for some share in the pie of governance. It is sure that this government has its days numbered. But, Congress will prolong its life till general elections, so that it does not play a spoil sport in its endeavour for a hat-trick, as it did in Delhi. And the AAP government knows it or have come to know lately--the ill-design of the people supporting an idle government.

So, in order to come out of the snare the AAP government will do everything which causes an embarrassment to the congress. And hence they are on a war-path. After all, their existence it at stake. 

Whether they can run the government from the road or not, is a matter of judiciary. But, they will resort to these tested shenanigans is for sure.To nullify the devastating Namo wave, which is threatening to wash out all others, they will certainly resort to such cacophonous episodes. The party supporting the government is hurling abuses on the government and the party in power is hurling the stones all around Delhi. And Delhites are getting hurt and feeling the pinch of a heavenly change they have voted for.

 What will happen next is another enigma, Delhites are facing, and coming out of the labyrinth is a little bit obscure. But, one thing is sure, these neophytes neither know the basics of governance, nor the etiquette of governance. They can not only make mockery of themselves,but of the government and the people of Delhi aslo. So they will die at the place where they were whelped by the octogenarian crusader against corruption--but off course it was an unwanted delivery.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

चाय और चटोरे

आत्म-विश्वास अच्छा है, पर अति-आत्मविश्वास अतिघातक। कल दोस्तों के साथ निकला नुक्कड़ पे चाय पीने। एक बड़ी गाड़ी से कुछ  लोग उतरे, उसी दूकान पे, बड़ी धौंस दिखता हुआ एक बोला-'चाय देना चार, अदरक वाली , और थोड़ा जल्दी'।  संभ्रांत लग रहा था, पहनावे और क्रिया-कलाप से। पर, उसके साथ जो लोग थे, बड़ी लीचड़ लग रहे थे , कोट, टाई, सूट-बूट सब पहना था उनलोगों ने पर, हाव-भाव से निहायत ही घटिया दिख रहे थे वोह लोग। उनमे से एक ने चापलूसी में थोडा अकड़ कर कहा, अगर चाय अच्छी न हुई, तो अपनी दूकान बंद ही समझो, ये साहब प्रशासन में नए आये हैं। और अगर अच्छी हुई तो डिप्टी कलेक्टर ऑफिस के सामने नयी दूकान खुलवा देंगे। बेचारा चाय वाला, सकपका गया, और चाय खलिश दूध कि बनायीं, चायपत्ती भी उसने अलग से डाली। चाय वाले ने डरते-डरते चाय दी। अच्छी बनी होगी, तभी तो सूट-बूट वाले सज्जन ने कहा, कल मेरे ऑफिस में आना , एक चाय कि दूकान खुलवानी है।

 अब चाय कि दूकान खुली कि नहीं खुली, या खुलेगी कि नहीं खुलेगी, मुझे रह-रह कर उस चापलूस का क्रिया-कलाप देख के अजीब लग रहा था।  बड़ी ही निर्दय जीव  होते हैं ये चापलूसी करने वाले, अपनी शिक्षा , अपना व्यक्तितव सब भूल जाते हैं चापलूसी के दौरान। भगवान् ने बड़ी फुरसत में बनाया होगा, या बनाते होंगे इस विचित्र प्रजाति के लोगों को। सब तरफ हैं ये, सर्व-व्यापी।  न आगे देखते हैं न पीछे बस बोल डालते हैं, उल-जुलूल, अगड़म-बगड़म, अनाप-शनाप। अब उन्हें क्या मतलब अपने व्यक्तव्य से। जिसे जो समझना है समझे, उन्होंने तो अपना काम कर दिया, साहब शायद नया प्रोजेक्ट कि कमान ही सौंप दें, या तरक्की ही दे दें। पता नहीं, जब हम जैसे छोटे लोग ये सब समझ जाते हैं तो ये बड़े लोग, बड़ी हैसियत वाले भी समझते होंगे, पर क्या करें, हार के झटके से तो ये मलहम ही भला। क्या पता आगे क्या हो ? यही लोग तो चाय में चासनी डाल के उसका स्वाद बढ़ाते हैं। चटोरे ही सही, अति-आत्मा-विश्वास से लबरेज तो हैं, उनपे जिनपे बोलने का जिम्मा है, उन्होंने तो मौन व्रत धारण किया हुआ है। कोई बात नहीं, अब और नहीं देखना पड़ेगा, मौनी बाबा को, नानाजी को भी १९५२ में, एक मौनी बाबा ने टक्कर दी थी, और ५२००० वोट भी लाया था वोह। इस बार तो चाय वालों से ज्यादा इन चटोरों से  खतरा है। मैं तो समझ गया क्या गत होने वाली है, पता नहीं ये कब समझेंगे, नाव डूबा के ही दम लेंगे शायद। 

Thursday, 16 January 2014

ज्यादा जोगी मठ उजाड़ !

एक टीवी कार्यक्रम  में सुना था, अब सही प्रतीत हो रहा है--खुदी को कर बुलंद इतना ,चढ़ा वोह जैसे तैसे , ख़ुदा ने बन्दे से पूछा , बन्दे अब उतरेगा कैसे? अभी कुछ ही दिन हुए हैं, और आप की सभाओं में, लात-जूते, घूसे और कुर्सीआं अपना नया रूप और प्रयोग  देख कर हैरान हैं , और परेशान है आम जनता, ये लोग बदलेंगे भारत कि तस्वीर, तक़दीर और तदवीर?

हृषिकेश और कुरुक्षेत्र में जो हुआ, वो तो ट्रेलर था, पूरी फ़िल्म तो अभी बाक़ी है, बिन्नी साहब ने तो नाकों में दम कर रखा है। इतने सारे दर्द क्या कम थे कि अब आपस में निबटना शुरू कर दिया है, नयी नवेली पार्टी के नए नवेले चेहरों ने?

अब आगे आगे देखिये होता है क्या, माननिये केजरीवाल जी ने ईमानदार लोगों का जखीरा बनाया है, या बनाने कि कोशिश कर रहे हैं, खतरा है कि कहीं इसका हाल, ज्यादा जोगी मठ उजाड़ वाली न हो जाये। अब बुद्धि-जीविओं कि फ़ौज़ में, टकराव तो होना ही  है, सब ईमानदारी के रथ को अलग-अलग दिशा में मोड़ने कि कोशिश तो करेंगे ही, सो प्राकृतिक है ये सब। बस इस ऊर्जा को संचययित और दिशा देने कि जरूरत है, दे दीजिये, इसके पहले कि आपका तिलिस्म टूटे।

कप्तान  गोपीनाथ जी कुछ,तो मल्लिका जी कुछ तो विश्वास जी कुछ बड़बड़ा रहे हैं। सब लगे हैं, लोकतंत्र-लोकतंत्र खेलने में, वैसे यह टीम ट्वेंटी-ट्वेंटी तो छोड़िये, एक-एक ओवर भी खेल ले तो गनीमत समझिये। और हाँ , आप पार्टी ने फैसला किया है कि अगली बार से सभाओं में, नंगे पाँव आके जमीन पे बैठना होगा, इससे दो चीजें होगी, जूते -चप्पलों का दुरुपयोग भी नहीं होगा, और कुर्सियों की कीमत भी अनायास नहीं चुकानी पड़ेगी। ज़मीन पे रहके, जमीनी होने का एहसास भी होगा। आशुतोष जी कि बदहवासी में भागती तस्वीर आज अख़बार में देख के अनायास ही मन में आया --' अब आया ऊंट पहाड़ के नीचे' । बहुत रुलाया और सांसत में डाला करते थे  साक्षात्कार देने वालों को, अब खुद सांसत में हैं , पता चला आटे-दाल का भाव?

मन जाइये, आशुतोष जी, पहले वाला काम ज्यादा खूबसूरत, दमदार और धांसू था, भ्रष्टाचारी आपसे डरते थे, अब तो बच्चे भी नहीं डर रहे। पुनर्विचार कीजिये, समीक्षा कीजिये अपने फैसले पे। अभी जूतों-चप्पलों के बीच जो आप कर पा रहे हैं, क्या इससे ज्यादा जिम्मेदारी भरा काम क्या आप नहीं कर रहे थे ?

हो सकता है अभियान पे जाने की इच्छा कभी रही हो मन में, सो उस इच्छे को तो पूरी नहीं कर रहे? जो भी हो, पहले आपकी शैली का मैं कायल था, बहुत सारे लोग भी होंगे मेरी तरह, अब रैली का हो रहा हूँ, और लोग भी हो रहे होंगे, या दुर्दशा पे हंस रहे होंगे, आपकी नहीं, हमारी। अच्छा समय बीतता था आप जैसों का कार्यक्रम देख के। और ये क्या ? पुण्य-प्रसून जी ,रवीश जी,  राहुल कँवल जी(और  अन्य लोग भी )जैसे पुण्य-आत्मा अनुगृहीत हो रहे हैं आपका कि आपने उन्हें ऐसा कदम भविष्य में न उठाने कि नसीहत जो दे डाली है --गाहे-बगाहे।

Devayani's Visa fraud

My eagerness led me to get the information behind the Visa fraud(reported by USA media); and I chanced to read the editorial of New York Times yesterday; and the picture which was blurred till yesterday got clearer than crystal.

Devyani hails from India; his father is an ex-bureaucrat, and they are very close to the ruling regime of Maharashtra, that is the Indian National Congress. So, Devyani, an IFS officer and an Indian diplomat, has close connections with the Indian Government. She has married an USA citizen of Indian origin-- Aakash Singh Rathore, a professor at the university of Pennsylvania and both have two children.

Sangeeta also hails from India, was hired, lured, and taken to USA as a domestic help. She also married an US citizen, working in US consulate as a driver, and her father in law was also a domestic help to one of the powerful US diplomat in India from 2002-2007.

Now it is amply clear, that both were educated, the later being much inferior to the former by degrees. But, the question arises that Mrs Devayani Rathore(the name has been given the Indian look, to understand in Indian context) in her visa bond has assured Sangeeta to pay 9.75$ per hour, but was paying 1.25$ per hour. Sangeeta was overworked, under paid, and given least time for herself.

Please tell me, if an MP or an MLA declares anything in his/her undertaking, he/she is liable to face legal action, if any wrongdoing is detected and brought to the notice of the Court or Chancery. The Court--Higher or Lower-- can initiate the hearing by cognizance also and give a verdict, several such cases are still pending in Indian Courts.

If Mrs Devayani is an IFS, wasn't she aware that after marrying an US citizen and taking help of an Indian maid--also with US connections--may be sued by the US authorities if the underpaying issue is brought to the notice of the court?. I presume, Yes, 100 percent. And she would have had also foreseen the ramifications of the payment forgery. So, she certainly knew it, and after hauled by the US officials took the Indian way out, after all, her father is an powerful ex-bureaucrat.

The government at the center, badly hurt and bruised and forced to bite the dust in the hustings in few states, wasted no time, and took this case as a veil to deflect the media attention on the current Government, its policies and its functioning for the interests and welfare of common man. Bizarre statements started coming on TV with Indian rhetoric, and teaching US a lesson this time. Nonsense!

Bah! mad, lunatic or vicious jingoism, has blown a simple case out of proportion to such an extent that the strategic partnership with US hangs in balance. Mr Man Mohan Singh, in his ten year tenure, has labored very hard to bring the two democracies nearer then ever, and has worked out some very good agreements--read initiatives--with the US only to be frittered in this way.

My earnest request--to the amiable and honest media--is not to give any more coverage of the issue, and let Mrs Devayani face the music along with her powerful father. And please remember Sangeeta is as much Indian as Devayani, but an AAM AURAT--DAI. Hope AAP people are listening along with the frenzy media, as, her father is taking the plunge into politics on this sole issue.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

अक्कड़ बक्कड़ दिल्ली बो

अक्कड़ बक्कड़ बम्बे बो, अस्सी नब्बे पुरे सौ, सौ में लगा धागा, चोर निकाल के भागा ! तो भइया ये पंक्तियाँ तो बहुतों को अभी भी याद होगी, पर आइए इसमे कुछ नया किया नहीं समझा जाए, वर्तमान परिप्रेक्ष्य में ।  अब बम्बे को दिल्ली किया जाए और अस्सी नब्बे को पैंतीस छत्तीस . आया समझ में?

अक्कड़ बक्कड़ बम्बे बो,  पैंतीस छत्तीस पूरे हों ,
आप  में लगा  धागा , चोर निकल के भागा।

अब बहुमत है, सरकार है, मीडिया है, ताम-झाम है, करने और दिखने का मैदान है, लोग हैं, लोगों की अपेक्षाएं हैं, पर धागा(यानि कि डोरी, नाडा भी समझ सकते हैं) तो कोंग्रेस् ने पकड़ रखी है, सो, बेचारे ईमानदार युगपुरुष कसमकश में हैं, ज्यादा लंबी छलांग लगाई कि नाडा टूटा, और...फिर वीआईपी चड्डी सबको दिख जायेगीऔर टूट जयेगा तिलिस्म।  साथ टूटेंगी वो दिव्य दृष्टि भी जिसमे सबको त्रैलोक्य-चिंतामणि पिलाने की ख्वाहिश थी, और देश को दस हज़ार साल पहले के युग में ले जाने कि कल्पना भी धरी कि धरी रह जायेगी ।  

इंजीनियरिंग की, पर इंजीनियरिंग के क्षेत्र में नगण्य योगदान दिया, भारत सरकार के राजस्व विभाग में संलग्न हुए, योगदान का पता नहीं, शून्य ही होगा. अब राजनीति में संलग्न किया है खुद को , नतीजा-- भोला जाने काया होगा आगेजिन लोगों का बर्तमान में अस्तित्व कि पार्टियों से मोह-भंग हो गया है, या मनचाही कुर्सी नहीं मिली, या जो अपने कार्यक्षेत्र से नाखुश है, उनकी ईमानदारी कि नैया में सवार हो गए हैं, और सवार हो भी रहे हैं, बडी तीव्र गति से, ताकि एक नया मुकाम पा सके जीवन में ।  समाज और देश का भला हो ना हो, अपना, अपने खानदान, और परिवार का भविष्य तो पक्का हो ही जायेगा ।

मीडिया वाले भी, डोंगी में बैठ गए हैं, पाल्थी मार के, ताकि नए आयाम गढे जाएँ, ईमानदारी के बहाने. पहले भी लोगों को टोपी पहनाते थे , अब भी पाहनायेंगे स्वराज वाला. क्या होगा? देश किधर जायेगा?, सज़ा किसे मिलेगी? कैसे मिलेगी? कबतक मिलेगी? इन सब सवालों से महत्वपूर्ण है कि आप  को क्या मिलेगा? और कितना मिलेगा?

चलिये, 500 करोड़ में चाल, चरित्र और चेहरा चमके ना चमके, कुछ लोगों को नौकरी और काम तो मिल ही जायेगा।  तो तैयार हो जाइए, नए नए पैंतरे  देखने और तालियाँ बजाने के लिए, क्योंकि लोकतंत्र का महपर्व जो आ रहा है, नए कलेवर और नए रूप में, सबकी बाट, ना ना चाट, ना ना खाट, ना ना हाट लगाने. वैसे चोर निकाल के तो कब का भाग चुका है. रुकिए, कहाँ चले,पञ्च लाइन तो पढ़ लीजिये-- न नौ मन तेल होगा न राधा रानी नाचेगी। टीवी पर गाना आ रहा है- फिर वही शाम वही  ग़म, वही तन्हाई है ।  

Playing charades on corruption

Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines corruption as- dishonest or illegal behaviour, especially by people in authorities; and yet another defines it as-use of a position of trust for dishonest gain.

Indians, and particularly Delhites, would barely have perceived that the man who along with his elite group--with spilling probity--not only awoke them from deep sleep, but, has adequately fermented them to die for a 'Change' also, has indulged himself in a different game, a game of remaining in power anyway, anyhow, and by doing anything. This is the first dose of change--for honesty ridden Indians . I can not assimilate the idea of hugging the man--whom more and more people like me detest up to the hilt. The catechism of every religion teaches us that if you are hand in glove with the culprit, you are also a culprit. 

The plank, on which he had forayed into politics with much fanfare--the worship of corruption, Sorry! Honesty--seems to have corroded at a rate more than expected. And today--I'm sorry to say-- is moving rudderless.

The Titanic boat of honesty has started showing chinks, and the people boarding it are dying for a more deadly evil--Power. And this power has started corroding their mental and physical health. Please peruse on few instances:-

1) One of the faces of the core group(with the honest bureaucrat as its bellwether) has challenged the scion, for I don't know what. He claims to be a common man, but a common man needs money even for a sojourn, and he is flying all over India; and that also with a convoy, How? There are a lot of hinterlands, where development is only on paper. Why then, he has opted for the most developed constituency of India which is not a capital? Isn't it a fraud on the hope and expectations of a common man? AAP doesn't want to eradicate corruption, but rear it.  

2) Before going into the hustings, you have offered the CM post to the first women top cop of India, to rope her in into your jamboree; but now your one time alter ego has drifted to other side of the honesty-stream. Why?

3) You were once deadly scathing on Kapil Sibbal, and has vowed in public to send him to Tihar prison. What happened to your noble plan? And why you are hugging this corrupt culprit(as per your declaration) in public?--hug him a million times pruriently, there will be no objections for your nocturnal trysts.

4) You want a national foothold, and schemes to rope in as many member of people as possible to your party is underway. For, what? Isn't it preposterous enough either to show to others of your capabilities, or for a better bargain for seats in case of an understanding? Prove your credentials against corruption in Delhi first, and then go all out against corruption. But you wont wait for a year or so, as you are dying for Power, sans Money and Fame; or, you have started playing second fiddle to the oldest political party of British India.

5) You have once aimed your gun at the then finance minister--the current President--but, where is the gun, the muzzle and bullet?--God knows.

6) Your elite group is learned and experienced, alright, but, why the incendiary remarks are only aimed at one community? Have you the guts to aim the guns at other communities?

Points are many and the time is few, I have got words from my seniors that on joining Tata Steel as an engineer, you were adamant and timid to take charge of the plant, as the work needed a lot of perspiration, hence opted for horticulture instead. Why? was not that a corruption?

Very few in India are there who have their spouse also of a commissioner rank--who can take care of the family. You are lucky that you have got one such life-partner, otherwise very few wives will spare their hubbies for such a grand project of change. You have shown enough loopholes in your actions and thought till now to doubt your intention. But, for God's sake don't indulge yourself into hugging the people who were the cause of your rise, otherwise our perception will be hanged. Better you ride on another plank than corruption, or redefine corruption to be limited to governance only. For then, we will not feel subdued by your shenanigans for votes and popularity. You have already committed your first political corruption by tying the knot with the most corrupt party of India(as per your own claim and proof).

I had once loved your concept of joining a political party, but that once is not now. And many like us, who have jobs in their hand will soon come out of your magic spell. Water balloon yesterday touched the high tension electricity wire and got burst prematurely; and I'm going for a new one. 

And to quote you verbatim--the common man can change the system, if it is awake. You have awaken them, have set new standards of governance, shown them great expectations, then beware!, they can erase you also; as you are also vulnerable to the same threat--even in your chaste, vault and seclusion(Muslim Brotherhood and other Arab Springs are live examples).

Monday, 13 January 2014

कोई दीवाना कहता है, कोई पागल समझता है !!!

हे गायक महाराज, हालाँकि आपका वो गाना अब भी मुझे याद है, पर उसकी अन्तिम पंक्तियाँ-- कोई पागल समझता है, जेहन में फिर कुलांचे मरने लगा है. काली स्याही और काले झंडे दिखाने वाली बात, कुछ पागल बना रही है, हम लोगों को. पर, हमलोग समझ गए हैं. 545 लोक-सभा क्षेत्रों में से अमेठी में ही आपका मन रमता है, कुछ पगलाने वाली बात तो है, पर आइने कि तरह साफ भी है. अभी और चीजों के लिए मनवाना है, युवराज को, है ना ? ये काली काली वाली काली बात है, या भयादोहन ?

चलिए,कुछ वक्त के लिए मान भी लें कि अमेठी में आप कयामत बरपा देंगे . और बरपाये भी क्य़ूँ ना, जब आपके हाथ, राम-बाण, सर्व-रोग हरि दवा, त्रैलोक्य चिन्तामणि जो लग गई है. पर एक बात तो बता ही दीजिये, युवराज के खिलाफ ना तो कोई भ्रष्टाचार के मामले हैं और ना ही किसी और तरह के? फिर अमेठी ही क्यों?

 समझ गया... आप कोंग्रेस को पाठ पधायेंगे, है ना? आपने डॉक्टर कि उपाधि जो ली है. लगे रहिये गायकी से अपने करीयर कि शुरुआत करने वाले. उन्हें हराये ना हराये, लोगों का मनोरंजन तो भरपूर होगा ही. 

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Make amends Mr Kejriwal or anything can happen

Yesterday in his first Junta-Darbaar, the recently crowned crusader against corruption, witnessed the chaos created by his own celestial thinking and heavenly ways. Thanks to last minute procrastination of the event, otherwise, India may have witnessed another martyr. And the chaos may have engulfed the whole India.

Mr Kejriwal, hawks of the power are not only watching you, but, they are there to thwart your every move to ascend the popularity chart. They will try to disrupt your noble endeavours in changing the system. The vandalism in one of your offices, was a proof of the assumption that there are jingoists and fanatics everywhere, not only in your party, who give statements to infuriate the subdued group of people from your sudden rise. 

You want to change the system--OK. But, you will have to make amends in your ways, otherwise you will not last too long to implement your ideas and change the system, I fear.

You have suspended three officials, because they didn't have the teeth to bite you. They were part of the system which was in Delhi till a fortnight ago. And the system has made them corrupt. There are plethora of allegations against the politicians--but with canine-- to bite you and give you pains. But, you will not bite them, because they will decimate you within a minute, and BJP will come back in power, if a re-election is declared, which is not what you aspire.

You have aimed your guns on power companies, which earn more than 3000 Crore a year. And, any one may kill you for even few Lakh. So, beware ! Change the system , by remaining in the mud--as you have declared in Ramlila maidan. Please don't invent new, inviable, dangerous ways of solving people problems. Don't die an unnatural death--but be a guiding star for generations to come.

India is set to witness unlimited number of foolish comments, statements, incendiary remarks in the coming months. Few will try to deflect the attention from themselves, few will try to gain some mileage, few will blackmail their peers, and few will declare out of the world policies. For, India has more impoverished people than the moguls, and imbecile enough to read the ill-designs of the leaders. They get easily hypnotised by few lollipops.

The sixty year rule of one party has given too much to the people of India. Even a laptop can induce them to change their mind and vote for a party which gives a very little thought to socialism. And it is clearer than crystal, why they were the only ones, not in favour of the Jan-Lokpal(ombudsman).

Therefore, please apply and show your wits, and execute your plans in steps. That will be enough for the grieved people. And once you are gone, their single ray of hope will be gone, and they will have to wait for another twenty or so years, for the birth of a messiah. Please remember, Rome was not built in day. 

So, get ready for any eventuality. Change the system, by efficiently using all the resources of the government, and police and SPG are part of the system. They will help you in your endeavours of change, not stop you. 

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Don't teach nanny how...

The latest brouhaha over Samajwadi Party's annual gala at Saifai, not only is sending bad signals to the people, but, it also throws light on the praters--the blabbers--and the custodian of Democracy.

If anyone earns wealth, he obviously opts for lavish life, not engages oneself in charity works, and if there are such people who opt the other way, they are very few. I have heard, and have seen laconically, people going on a business tour out of their country for a week or two with or without their families; have seen the rich people throwing Lucullan parties to celebrate even their petty successes. Then what is wrong on in SP's MLA's going on a junket?, and rummy about Samajwadi party's grand event? They are humans from our own society. They know how to enjoy and enjoy up to the hilt. And they also know the socialism and social statuses, for; they claim the founding principle of their party on Socialism.

So, what if Muzaffernager is burning, Safai by the way is glittering, and hence, it is a balance act.If a district is feeling the apathy of governance and the state is reeling under administrative crisis, what is wrong in it? States have reeled under such crises and will still reel under similar crisis. As, it is the side-effect of this type of governance--the Democracy, that despite their non-performance, the governments come back to govern on false promises and some mouth watering proposals.

Right from day one, the performance of the current government in Uttar Pradesh has been nil, and will remain nil, till it is thrown out of the office by the same people, who gave them the reins of the state: license to mis-use the public funds; permit to go reckless on responsibilities. After all, the voters were wooed by the lollipop of laptops than of good governance. They have distributed some laptops to quieten the critiques. But, by the current trend and seriousness shown towards good governance; the neophyte Chief Minister will hardly deliver on any front apart from such gala events, as such type of events give them the requisite veil, not only to conceal the failure of the government, but, to shift the subject of attention also.

It was a hard earned and unexpected victory for them in the last elections; and time is expecting again, to deliver the identical results in the coming elections--full of awe and ire. Apart from these, let them enjoy; have lavish parties; neglect their primary responsibilities. For, they have recently been absolved of the alleged sins of corruption and ill-gotten wealth in a bizarre verdict by the honourable court that after becoming Chief Minister, their relatives started pumping money into their accounts, so that they can enjoy the comforts of life.

And a caution to the media: don't teach your grandmother how to suck eggs. They are socialists and they honour democracy by mouth, not by heart or their deeds. And, if Mulayam Singh yadav would have been CM, the things would have been perceived differently. But, Akhilesh Yadav-- his son--does not have the freedom and guts to say anything to his dad on governance and socialism, even if, he is more educated than the patriarch of Samajwadi Party. Otherwise, he may get a rebuke with the famous but scathing idiom... Don't teach your Father...

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Honest Farm

NapoleonBoxerSnowballOld Major,Squealer and all characters in the George Orwell's allegorical classic got a new life in India in 2013. And in 2014 the stage is set for a similar plot and characters. But, Orwell will not get any copyright share. After all, Orwell does owe India and Bihar a lot; as he was born and had spent his childhood in Champaran district.

This time the title of book will be 'Honest Farm'. For, honesty and prosperity is the theme of the new novel being written in India. A group of highly honest people are gearing up to metamorphose India in a very short span. They are eager to spread their canopy of honesty in the whole Indian peninsula instantly After all, the time of ours is a time of Instant love, Instant fame and Instant coffee; and they want this transformation to happen before the evil engulfs this new entity.

They are defying all the theories and principles of group formation taught in management schools. They have only one agenda, spread your wings as far and as soon as possible. Hence no need to follow the Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing route. Because, they fear their honesty plank being hijacked by their adversaries. They have invited application, they will select the candidates, will take a plunge in the hustings; and will start the transformation process at once. And if they get any number of seats more than or equal to 20, they will be in a position to bargain for honesty. If Napoleon has got the power, why not they? After all, they are also fighting for the same cause.

But, apart from the Napoleon's several remarks, this one has raised a lot of eyebrows. I was a commissioner, and would have earned Crores by hook or by crook. And his better half is his former colleague. So, the finger is also towards her. But, but, and bigger but, in conjugal life, tickling is permitted and enjoyed to some extent. Isn't it?

Select few of the primary group have got power, responsibilities and some work to get oneself engaged: what others will do? They will be employed by the Napolean for the bigger cause. Remain busy. Otherwise, he may have handed over the CM chair to any one of his close confidante and would have taken his agenda of transforming India all by himself. Because, he has got the recognition and has the credibility established to usher India into the Lord Ram's era. After all, moving backwards by years and decades have been heard, but by a millennium or two has been never. It will be a delight and ecstasy to move with him in this odyssey of transformation. And yes, the unemployment behemoth will also be diminished by involving people in this movement.

That the designs of this crusader group is getting clearer day by day is evident, but, making of the conglomerate in the name of probity is little bit dim. But don't worry! it will also be unearthed very soon. After all, nothing is said to happen without a reason. So, have you got the idea behind this haste? By the way, India will change its name to Honestan then .

Monday, 6 January 2014

Redefine the responsibilities and accountabilities

If the parents are held guilty for the felony of their sons/daughters; a principal for any mishap in the school, a doctor in case of mis-treatment of a patient, an engineer for any failed project, company's MD or CEO for his company's adventures, Captains and coaches for their team's failure, state Chief Minister for mis-handling the issues in their states, why not a PM for failure in discharging his, as well as his government's duty? The question is--should we redefine the responsibility and accountability in case of the highest office? Why does it enjoys insulation from being held responsible and not coerced to demit office?

Is the PM's post and his office is only for bread and circuses; only for plethora of perks, allowances and facilities? Should not he/she take responsibility for the failure of his government in discharging the primary duty for its citizens laid down in constitution? or is it only for discourses, and visits, and reclusive life.? And seldom coming out in public to play the blame game or prophesy about the future and concealing the failures of his/her government and its policies? or, indicting a country for upholding its laws against a single bureaucrat? Here you have payed with more than a billion lives, and still, displaying your acumen in honking sophistry on the opposition. Bah!. Have not you and your ministers expedited the Indian politics' dying an un-natural death? Or is on a death-bed and under the influence of a sedative?--where persons bestowed with the responsibility of a country will avail all the facilities of a lavish life and shun from all the allegations. Literally, remaining Hermetically sealed?

Mr Anna Hazare and his tattered team were absolutely right in raising the issue of corruption. And had had awakened the masses against this evil. But, history reckons of such successful endeavors in the past also. His one time keen follower and bookman has parted ways to teach the politicians a lesson or two in the discipline called politics. It is rueful that this pupil of his has himself took the plunge to learn few lessons from his future students and adversaries. Otherwise he may have acted on his promise of a hot-line number to combat corruption. Out of eighteen points, he has shown to the nation that with a little maneuver in the public funds, applauds and confidence of the electorates can be won easily. And the chimera of ruling India can be visualized by the coterie of people, striving to excel in a new field called politics. Otherwise, they may not have declared, boastfully to contest the coming general elections with such fanfare. My advise to them is--you have won Delhi, make a mark there first, and en-cash the success there to other states, don't ride on the wave created with the sentiments of the populace. Your success in Delhi was a stepping stone towards a better India, make it a cornerstone and still a touchstone. Better cut the Gordian knot than playing with the sentiments of people. The whole nation is watching closely all your steps and moves; so, be careful before declaring any agenda and panjandrum. What happened to your promise of sending the corrupts to the jail? Are you working on it? or the issue has been sent into a cold cauldron?

Last year, we have seen ruckus in the parliament, when towards the fag end, the octogenarian PM was trying to formulate few bills to contain the corruption. You all closed ranks to avoid this bill. It is another matter that Congress party got it passed in a haste: to save its severely dented face from further calumny in the mind of the public.

With all the state machinery at your disposal, why you were inapt in containing the riots? For votes and the chairs? Come on, my dear, respected leaders. At least be honest with your responsibilities. Forget the caste politics, there are examples, where despite hailing from the smaller groups and communities, governments have performed well and the public, rising above their caste and creed have given them the verdict to rule again.

If every headman can be held responsible and accountable for his/her institution, why not each and every office? Let there be discussion on this and politics be redefined, where Machiavellian laws are declared obsolete and new laws are laid, which will be responsibility driven, not caste or creed-driven. And the man/women holding the highest office should take responsibility and step down in case of the failure of his/ger government. Then only we can take India to a new height in each and every field with humanity taking a lead not fooling terms like communalism.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Honest admission

The ominous academic prediction by the current premier that NaMo will cast a spell of doom on India and the world, if he came to power; is a trickery, tirade, and sophistry to lessen the pain of loosing, and more than that the weak possibility that the man he is willing to hand over the baton will be unable to make it to the helm. After all, he has tarnished the image of Congress to such an extent that it has reached the point of no return, in the next decade or so. What the scion will do with the baton? Simple,will play boisterously with the baton. What an honest admission !

So what if Congress lost the election in three out of five states: was decimated in Madhya Pradesh; was annihilated in Rajsthan; lost Chhatisgarh by a whisker, but, thank god it retained Mizoram and is in government in Delhi. So, the score is 3/2. So, it was not cannae, as reported by the media and political pundits.

Riots have happened before, is happening in an eastern state and will happen again, untill there will be human race. The animal instincts will always be there, as the mankind has evolved from the wild. But, there is communalism to blame for, not the governments inaptness in containing them. Phew!

Decks are cleared, batons handed over, scion ready to take the plunge, were few of the headlines in the newspaper today. But, I say that...the current premier is burning the bridges behind him--would have been the best.

No sooner than the economist left the economic field, he blanked it out. And as soon as he got the coveted post of PM, he forgot the politics, responsibility and accountability. So, in the last press conference he has summed up his tenure. The words he used in the conference were.... communalism, doom, inflation, nuke deal, corruption, neighbours.. Aam Admi Party, history and a lot of enigmatic words.With a little bit of jumble it reads like--Nuke deal, corruption, inflation, timidity from neighbours was enough to spell a doom; but, the Aam Admi Party struck the final nail in the coffin(of the current government) and the false tirade against communalism yielded nix. And that is it. He is happy to move into history books. Good bye Sir ! have a healthy, happy and blissful odyssey left ahead.

Whatever happens in the next general elections, but the possibility of a peculiar bed-partners as the siren called politics often whelps, our beloved, respected Prime-Minister has scripted the Pyrrhic victory, a morale booster for his party to give renewed strength to its grass-root party-workers to thwart the spell of doom, looming large on India and their minds. Jai ho Mohan Baba ! Jai ho!

Ramayan's line would give you insinght into the wise saying of Goswami Tulsidas--
 सचिव, वैद्य, गुरु तीन जु प्रिया बोलहि भय आस । राज, धर्म, तन तीन कर होई वेगही नास।।

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Performing the last rites of the government

The student who saw the teacher, who saw the accomplice, who feared a scuff to the headmaster, who neglected all these as mere trifles.

Now read with replacing the student with RaGa, the teacher with MMS, the accomplice with SiDi, and the headmaster with SoGa. Does it make sense now?

He spearheaded the campaign in UP and was thrown to dust. He spearheaded the campaign in the fab-four states, and again his party was forced to bite the dust. I can not recall, any successful endeavor by the scion, reported till date, in education or politics, apart from the affair with the drug-mafia's daughter; still, the man who called only three press conferences in ten years, and was Hermetically sealed, now presages a doom, if Namo came to power. Isn't it seems ludicrous by degrees?

NaMo is at least a tested leader, who leads the number one state in India--in economic development. He has had transformed himself from a tea-seller to a leader par excellence. But, the question at hand is, does India needs a learned person at the helm or a good manager and executor of the policies, which will usher India into a new era of development and self-confidence or a mask?--which will cast doom for another five years.

The medieval history of India is replete with the stories of Kings and invaders ruling efficiently in India. Take the example of Sher Shah Suri. He was the lowest ranked soldier in Babur's military, very little educated. But, the Grand-Trunk road, Land endowment, Tax-collection phylosophy, Welfare Programs, Subsidies, alongwith other measures were not only exemplary then, but is ubiquitous even today. Take other names and you will witness the same results. Learned man have headed the Institutions, not governments. But, India has set an example, and shown to the world--how to have a mask and execute the ill-designs comfortably.

It is the coterie of ministers, who either let you make a niche in the citadel of history, or let you be remembered as Nero or ...Sadly Mr MMS, we have witnessed a lot of ministers caught or involved in the scams. Then the question rises that were you the teacher and guide to these treacherous and lecherous leaders, or were forced to be hermetically sealed? Having rescued India from an economic disaster in 1991, please don't guide India to redefine its economic nadir. You have been suitably rewarded of your heroics and futuristic policies for ten long, sonorous and reclusive years. And Indians are in no mood to offer you luxury for another five years. Who knows, our neighbours will quell us from our homes. They loiter so easily in Ladakh, they come and behead our soldiers and return derisively on us and our leadership. And we keep them giving food and onions on a concession rate.

It will take more than five thousand pages and will be a Herculean task to enumerate your sins and folly in governance. But, pithily, it is--Economy has been crushed, inflation sky-rocketed, communal harmony tattered not once or twice but a number of times. And you along with your saver were busy partying when the last reported riot effected victims were dying due to cold and food and healthcare. But, yes, our great ancestors have coined a word communalism, which is not only enigmatic to you, but us also. After all, hailing from majority community has cursed us to be called communal. Have you heard--When Rome was burning, Nero was playing flute?

If yes, then take your last press-conference was an obituary in advance--a ritual--which is common in few communities in India, when the father suspects his sons/daughters doing his last rites. And yes, as his last wish, he has hinted his successor. He can infer and hint, but was unable to read or notice the degree of corruption in his own government. What a learned man India had had for a decade. Let's hope that the India does not witness the same type of leadership. For, leaders have ruled India, and will rule India again; but no leader had ever ruled, might, could, would or should rule, as he has ruled India.

Protecting Mother Earth !

One of my friends, kept me reminded throughout the year 2013 that this is happening due to the number 13. And I always remained on the other side of the canoe of his thoughts: fiercely abnegating my friends coercion and thesis.

When anything abnormal, heinous, gruesome, or peculiar happened, he boastfully accosted me with either the report, or the news from the Internet, and treaded me to accept his theory, or numerology or whatever his thesis was. But, tried to avoid me in case of something happening good or above expectations.

Several incidents happened in 2013, which were remarkable achievements, and will guide the course of actions in 2014. Take the example of Saudi Arabia: USA eased the sanctions imposed on one of its estranged key allies of decades, and RUSSIA and USA came together to avoid flexing their muscles in Syria: the Arab Spring is still underway and is in full bloom in several other countries.

There are myriads of instances which were good and googol number of events which were bad, this is how the world has moved and evolved. Society, family, individuality,nationality etc.--that is, the foundation of every aspect of humanity is changing; at what pace we adapt ourselves to these changes does matter most. For, the computers have aided in inventing several others. LGBT's, porn, erotica and exotica all will be there, rather they were already there--it is only now that have found their voice to admit their orientations.

That world economy is on the path of recovery, is enough sign and proof that, although, there may be some truth in numerology and its arithmetic; every year, month, day, hour, minute and second is God given, only named by us, why then worry or care for what is curse and what is boon and live with fear of sauntering into the garden of Satan and still thinking--why Adam and Eve ate the apple.

There will be Cassandras and Pandora Boxes till this humanity exists. But, there will be joy, happiness and Bliss ! also. So, why bother what will happen in 2020?--when world will run out of cocoa; better worry for carbon emission and global warming which are posing bigger threats than the wars or the epidemics.

Let's hope and act positively in a way to protect our mother earth; and take a vow to support and work for the cause of environment protection--and some endangered species. Because positivity gives the mental power and strength to chose the right path even from the labyrinth and leaving other enigmas for scientists to solve.

Wishing all, a wonderful year ahead, a very happy new year 2014.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Thank you Mr Prime Minister !

So, Indian Prime Minister will retire in 2014.

In the press conference today, Indians saw the Prime Minster of a decade: A decade full of corruption.

There was a minuscule change in his manners and dialog delivery. The same statement, the same rhetoric, the same fierce attack on the opposition. Nothing new. Nothing serious.

To survive the rest of his spell as Prime Minister, he has exonerated the SP and BSP chiefs of the grave charges against them. Wow ! Mr PM, what a survival after divorce from TMC.

It seems that he has sensed the mood of the nation, and like a learned, clever man, has proposed to retire and proceed into recluse, leaving India replete with Bills, Pills and Nills.

What the nuke deal has given, or the MNREGA, or the cornucopia of other bills by his corruption ridden government, is not very clear. But, one thing is clear, he wants the scion to take control of the party, he has managed for ten long years--or have let it wither under corruption and graft.

So, get ready to witness more and more rolling up the sleeve by the scion, who has done some change of stance of his party on corruption and graft issues; passing of the Jan Lokpal Bill, accepting the Adarsh Scam report with corrections etc. are few of the steps, after his late surge in stature as well as authority.

Cleaning the Augean Stables

With the Aam Aadami Party(AAP) winning the confidence motion in newly elected Delhi assembly, the much touted shenanigans of AAP have come to an end, and with this the drama and the prowess of Mr Kejriwal takes a break also.

And all the news channels and the tele-viewers take a sigh of relief. After all, they have been excused from the drama around the government formation in Delhi.

The audience witnessed a changed Kejriwal yesterday: his mien and countenance was replete with the satisfaction of making the government at last. And he has tested the first blood in the assembly with shrewdness.

A day before, he was blabbing with full force, and venom on his opponents and the un-natural bed-fellows. He will put to jail each and every corroupt person--was his one point agenda(and the Tihar inamtes along with the jail authorities were having sleepless nights from fear of a sudden influx of corrupt politicians) . And all of sudden, all the ruckus he has created has subsided. Miraculously, Mrs Shila Dikshit have been acquitted and exonerated of all the charges, made against him during the recent electioneering, by the bellwether and the paladin, and the juggernaut of tirade against corruption. This is the bed of Procrustes friends.

As the nine months old baby has stunned the whole nation by its performance, the possibility of AAP going the Janta Party way is rife. As from the perspicuity of the probity of the new government, it can be rightly inferred--for the time being.

But, as the party--which has given unconditional support--along with the one which missed the crown by a whisker are sulking like Achilles in the tent, it will give some time to the suave and very intelligent ex-bureaucrat and ex-Tata Steel Engineer, to pay medical attention to his peculiar and ludicrous cough(Imagine the scene when a prominent personality comes out in the open with running nose, and, without a kerchief). However, the newly born party does has uprooted the nanny of Delhi politics, and must get an applaud, so that, it can engage itself in the Herculean Task of cleaning the Augean Stables--full of corruption(according to Mr Kejriwal's perceptions); for, only the very few are honest, rest are submerged, and engaged, and involved in the corruption up-to neck, or lips, or nose, or forehead, or...wholly. 

With the new year gift of pseudo-subsidy in water and electricity, the Delhites are now becoming aware of the ignominious Trojan Horse they have been bestowed upon. Whether it is a boon or curse will be clear very soon. Mr Kejriwal being aware of the rigging of the public accounts is beyond doubt, and his probity is also clearer than crystal with the type of alliance he has had. 

Amidst all these, let's congratulate Mr Kejriwal and his team, the new managed 'Bed of Procrustes', and wish him best of luck for his future endeavours in cleaning the Augean Stables, but also pray for Delhites that it does not happen to be out of frying pan into the fire for them, for both the Congress and AAP knew that in case of a re-election there would have been very few takers of his theories and agenda.