Thursday, 23 January 2014

Being positive

If any of the constituents of the molecules; Atoms or Electrons, or Protons or Neutrons, or Positrons, or Quarks, or Pions, or Kaons, or Leptons, or Hadrons or Mesons or Bryons were capable of communicating with us, the humans, it would have been interesting. But, as being a Mechanical Engineer I do know that being positive is one thing and being stable is another. And engineers vie for stability in the machinery and the process, as, ramifications of being positively charged, that is instability, are many.

Brayons, the fundamental particles behind Protons, decay to become a Proton at last, which is stable. But, this is a matter of atomic scale. In the whole gamut of the atomic particles and its sub-particles, we come at last to the Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons. What is then the essence, beauty, and the need behind being positive only?

Plethora of books are in the market on positivity and its benefits. And all of them suggest and recommend that in order to be successful a person should always be positive: Should See only the brighter side of the picture and not even imagine the darker side. Thinking about the darker side will lead you towards failure. As if, the failures lay in ambush in the darker places. And they pounce upon the people who dare to dwell on their territory. Doesn't it seem farcical ? Making fool of oneself ? Can you, by your sheer thinking negate the existence of the negativity, the darkness, the iniquity, the evil ? In this scenario the world will lose its steam of forward movement. So, Negativity form an integral part of Nature.

The success comes to those who remain positive throughout their lives: the teachings of the various books on positivity reads like this. But, please tell me, can a positively charged mind be free from any effects of its surroundings? If I become highly positive minded; I certainly will thwart any ill-design of the negativity by a stroke taught by these books; will then they stop to exist on the planet or in our lives? Absolutely no, and a bigger NO. For the God has created both positive and negative. And they balance the whole nature. If any imbalance occurs anywhere the negatives run there to neutalize it. Yes, Neutralize it. Then Neutral must be the buzzword for the gen-next, betwixt to the positivity.

Let's see the matter, or things with balance,-- in Toto-- not in semblance of positivity. For, the neutrality will pave the way for revitalising in our quest for success. We should keep a strict vigil on our thought. Whether they are going in positive, constructive direction or negative, destructive direction. But again, they are the matter of the reference frame from where we are observing the phenomena, whether it is an inertial or non-inertial. But the question I am referring to, is neither of them, for they seem to be from relativistic kingdom. And observations on those fields invite the paradoxes, which most scientists are familiar with, not common people.

Before concluding on this subject, let's ask ourselves, which way you have the penchant to dwell, if it is going in the direction you have dreamt of,  then no need to read those fooling books on positivity, positivity are innate qualities of human beings. Nearly all leading lights of our generation, were ignorant of this new idea of selling books. For, they have invented  or written or lead a successful coup or life, and went on to be successful in their efforts by their willingness to succeed and reach their goal.

So, being concentrated on the goal, analysing the pros and cons of every actions or deeds, and being practical, in short--being neutral is the only methodical way out of this paradox of positivity and negativity.

So, where as positivity demands being a gigantic charge--very near impossibility, as, our movement then will be highly unpredictable --so that anyone can impart or induce those coming in its vicinity with  positivity--thus losing his own steam and urge in the process: the Neutrality is an easier option as it gives the freedom of becoming positive anytime by only shedding even a little negativity or getting easily induced by fractional segregation of charges within itself. Cogitate on the following examples:-

1) Unipolarity of the world was better or the bipolarity?; after the resurrection of the erstwhile USSR?

2) Why the half of the total wealth is held by 85 people on this planet? Is it the fault of our advancements in academic teachings or anything else that most of the people on this planet are deprived and will remain deprived till the time unknown?

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