In celebrating the sixty-fifth Republic Day, the President of India, it seems, has read the writing on the wall perfectly. The timing of his reproachful reproof is right or too late is a matter of punditry on the subject. But, whether his prediction bears fruits or not, the change is surely in the air. For, this urgency , the vitality for change is the produce of the incumbent government itself. It has created the vacuum and winds of change are rushing in to fill the vacuum, and thus making it into the whirlwind.
That change will surely happen at the center, got validated recently by two eminent survey houses, separately. All the issues prominently raised and cautioned by the President is timely or not? only time will tell. As I am not an authority to judge on the timing of this trounce by the President. But, being a common man--off course not as feigning as the corruption-crusader party--I've also felt and am still feeling the pinch of inflation in my day-to-day life.
If in 1975 it was Jay Prakash Narayan, in 1989 V.P.Singh, then in 2014 certainly it is Arvind Kejriwal. All of them were quick to grab the opportunity and threw out the same party in power. Sadly, Jay Prakash Narayan didn't lavished on the comfort of the chair in the same way as the two other leaders, said afore.
That the current government has risen from a deep sleep, but sadly only towards the fag end of its tenure: it has taken some measures to contain or lessen the common man's woes; and still taking few more before the model code of conduct comes into force, and encumbers its actions. And few bills passed recently or to be tested on the floor of the house are the result of current governments endeavours in saving its face from complete decimation on the national level in the forthcoming mega-festival of democracy.
But, history boastfully reckons that the roots of the party at the helm in center is so deep that it still can cross the three figure mark easily. But, that will be far less than the magic figure of 272 to write the sequel to UPA-1 and 2. And Indians will have to wait for few more years for this sequel. As political pundits have presaged a rise in stature of RaGa at the national level to the extent of securing the PM's chair for him after a decade or so.
The whirlwind, which a month ago was feared to encompass the whole India seems encumbered to the national capital only, barring few likely sparks rising from other places also. But, alas! the messiah will have to wait for few more years to let Indians dance to his tune, as the lathi-charges recently in Delhi has given more pains than gains, and has cautioned the common man to take precautions before blindfoldedly supporting the activism-lovers for everything.
Whatever happens, or will happen after the general election, will depend upon the drudgery, the parties vying to hold office, will put in whole heartedly to en-cash their dreams. Indians will be indubitably thankful to the crusaders against corruption, for awakening the masses by degrees more than expected. And, whether the change will happen or not, and if yes; how many months it will last?--are few of the crucial questions rising in common man's mind, because several parties will be in the crucial role of king-makers; and all will bargain very hard to get the maximum profit out of it; as, most of them are not in politics for philanthropy, but to gain and rise. But, the nub of this discussion is--every cloud has a silver lining. And change is certainly in the air.
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