Saturday, 4 January 2014

Protecting Mother Earth !

One of my friends, kept me reminded throughout the year 2013 that this is happening due to the number 13. And I always remained on the other side of the canoe of his thoughts: fiercely abnegating my friends coercion and thesis.

When anything abnormal, heinous, gruesome, or peculiar happened, he boastfully accosted me with either the report, or the news from the Internet, and treaded me to accept his theory, or numerology or whatever his thesis was. But, tried to avoid me in case of something happening good or above expectations.

Several incidents happened in 2013, which were remarkable achievements, and will guide the course of actions in 2014. Take the example of Saudi Arabia: USA eased the sanctions imposed on one of its estranged key allies of decades, and RUSSIA and USA came together to avoid flexing their muscles in Syria: the Arab Spring is still underway and is in full bloom in several other countries.

There are myriads of instances which were good and googol number of events which were bad, this is how the world has moved and evolved. Society, family, individuality,nationality etc.--that is, the foundation of every aspect of humanity is changing; at what pace we adapt ourselves to these changes does matter most. For, the computers have aided in inventing several others. LGBT's, porn, erotica and exotica all will be there, rather they were already there--it is only now that have found their voice to admit their orientations.

That world economy is on the path of recovery, is enough sign and proof that, although, there may be some truth in numerology and its arithmetic; every year, month, day, hour, minute and second is God given, only named by us, why then worry or care for what is curse and what is boon and live with fear of sauntering into the garden of Satan and still thinking--why Adam and Eve ate the apple.

There will be Cassandras and Pandora Boxes till this humanity exists. But, there will be joy, happiness and Bliss ! also. So, why bother what will happen in 2020?--when world will run out of cocoa; better worry for carbon emission and global warming which are posing bigger threats than the wars or the epidemics.

Let's hope and act positively in a way to protect our mother earth; and take a vow to support and work for the cause of environment protection--and some endangered species. Because positivity gives the mental power and strength to chose the right path even from the labyrinth and leaving other enigmas for scientists to solve.

Wishing all, a wonderful year ahead, a very happy new year 2014.

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