The latest verbal attack on Mr RaGa by Mr Ramdev Baba--as he was lovingly called when teaching yoga in India and abroad--can not be termed inadvertent. In whatever way; it must be deplored fiercely. He must be aware of the term honeymoon, otherwise he may not have used it. And by seeking a quick apology, he not only has invited ridicule, but, has given ample proof of the the plight of democracy in India also. Which stance is this Mr Ramdev? Are you not indulging yourself in Bhogashan? Helicopters; retinues; lucullan parties; and every other thing which departs your way of living from that of a saint--a 'Baba'; what you will term all of these?
When you were a yoga teacher, your manners were somewhat respectful; but, after foraying into business, the once a connoisseur of Yoga, is now turning himself to be a curse in politics; but is heading a two thousand Crore conglomerate now: and his manners and behavior has changed abruptly: now he bleeds hypocrisy, and every other adjectives which should be added to adorn a charlatan. He is no more a once highly respected teacher; but, a teacher-turned-politician on a mission to save his business. His every move is not only aimed at rescuing his business from the clutches of ED or IT; but, also to make a sound pitch where his business will flourish unabated and undisturbed.
From ancient times, the term Baba has had acted as an adjective as well as a noun to describe a person who has given up all worldly pleasures to serve the society; or, to promote the righteous thoughts in humans; or, to spend his whole time in the devotion of the Almighty: but, in the modern age, the people like him are misusing it for personal gains. Otherwise, he may have given a lot of schools and hospitals in and around Haridwar, or anywhere else; but, no, the profit and balance sheets of his companies are his sole area of interests.
Unfortunately, people like him will continue exploiting the religion for personal gains; until, the people posing full faith in them come out of the dogma and conviction around the term 'Baba'. He must be taught, how to behave socially, respectably, and accountably. By giving such statements, and caught in a conniving dialogue with a leader in Madhya Pradesh--when microphones recorded and relayed all--unmasked his nefarious designs suitably. His own guru remains untraceable after ten years. Let's hope that he is nabbed and stopped on time from further maligning his religion and his followers.
When you were a yoga teacher, your manners were somewhat respectful; but, after foraying into business, the once a connoisseur of Yoga, is now turning himself to be a curse in politics; but is heading a two thousand Crore conglomerate now: and his manners and behavior has changed abruptly: now he bleeds hypocrisy, and every other adjectives which should be added to adorn a charlatan. He is no more a once highly respected teacher; but, a teacher-turned-politician on a mission to save his business. His every move is not only aimed at rescuing his business from the clutches of ED or IT; but, also to make a sound pitch where his business will flourish unabated and undisturbed.
From ancient times, the term Baba has had acted as an adjective as well as a noun to describe a person who has given up all worldly pleasures to serve the society; or, to promote the righteous thoughts in humans; or, to spend his whole time in the devotion of the Almighty: but, in the modern age, the people like him are misusing it for personal gains. Otherwise, he may have given a lot of schools and hospitals in and around Haridwar, or anywhere else; but, no, the profit and balance sheets of his companies are his sole area of interests.
Unfortunately, people like him will continue exploiting the religion for personal gains; until, the people posing full faith in them come out of the dogma and conviction around the term 'Baba'. He must be taught, how to behave socially, respectably, and accountably. By giving such statements, and caught in a conniving dialogue with a leader in Madhya Pradesh--when microphones recorded and relayed all--unmasked his nefarious designs suitably. His own guru remains untraceable after ten years. Let's hope that he is nabbed and stopped on time from further maligning his religion and his followers.
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