Monday, 14 April 2014

Wave or no wave; change is in the air

Yes, in Bihar and UP, it is a common practice during marriages, to hurl and abuse the grooms family badly; but, the groom's family takes pride in it and they enjoy the ceremony. As per the tradition, these songs thwart any evil thing from happening, and everything goes smoothly. Now a days, this tradition is being subdued and discouraged by the literate families, but it is still there.

From the same line of thinking, the abuses and blabs--mostly inciting, and being practiced in these two states only--may be treated as an omen: a better time for India in the offing. And the Election Commission of India does not have to use its whip on the erring politicians. Let them abuse each other, most probably, they are going to be abused badly--once the results are out--for, this time the voters are more alert than ever. And these barbs may be a result of their defeat being sniffed by them in advance.

Wave or no wave, more and more voter turnout will deliver deadly blows on the evildoers of the democracy, and will usher India into a new era of economic development, communal harmony and stability. So, please come out, cast your vote and decimate the divisive forces that are a curse on this great nation.

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