The BJP's manifesto, mired in internal conflicts, will be delayed further by three days. First phase of elections are going to be commenced soon: And the BJP is undecided yet, on what to commit and what to omit on its intentions and promises. Come on shrewd leaders!, the voters don't expect it to be delivered to them on the polling booths, and at the time of voting.
Shhhh... a prominent leader has gone miles in flattery lately, and says that whatever Mr Modi utters, is manifesto itself. Got the message folks? Every thing will be volatile. Nothing permanent.
Starting the election campaign, after being elected the campaign committee chief, at the fake backdrop of Red Fort, raising the local issues at the rallies are all the part and parcel of the manifesto[sic]? Suppose it happens anyway, the BJP's voluminous manifesto will belittle the epic Mahabharata; and very few will have the courage to read it from A to Z. And by the time the perusal of the manifesto will be finished, the elections will be over. And finished will be all the chimeras, the wave, and the expectations, pervading the Indian political environment right now.
Come on modernist think-tanks of BJP!, don't play politics anymore on the common man; and come up with the manifesto ASAP. We want to see your courage, change in thinking and the core philosophy of development, and your plan to usher India into a hyperbolic path of prosperity.
Ironically, as a leopard can't change its spots, BJP its jingoistic, saffron hue and approach either. And the delay in its manifesto is the result of the huff, the tug of war, between the old and the new pack of leaders. Not a good going Mr Modi and Mr Singh, nor a nice party management; shun the once bitten, twice shy approach; for, earliest the manifesto is delivered, the better.
Shhhh... a prominent leader has gone miles in flattery lately, and says that whatever Mr Modi utters, is manifesto itself. Got the message folks? Every thing will be volatile. Nothing permanent.
Starting the election campaign, after being elected the campaign committee chief, at the fake backdrop of Red Fort, raising the local issues at the rallies are all the part and parcel of the manifesto[sic]? Suppose it happens anyway, the BJP's voluminous manifesto will belittle the epic Mahabharata; and very few will have the courage to read it from A to Z. And by the time the perusal of the manifesto will be finished, the elections will be over. And finished will be all the chimeras, the wave, and the expectations, pervading the Indian political environment right now.
Come on modernist think-tanks of BJP!, don't play politics anymore on the common man; and come up with the manifesto ASAP. We want to see your courage, change in thinking and the core philosophy of development, and your plan to usher India into a hyperbolic path of prosperity.
Ironically, as a leopard can't change its spots, BJP its jingoistic, saffron hue and approach either. And the delay in its manifesto is the result of the huff, the tug of war, between the old and the new pack of leaders. Not a good going Mr Modi and Mr Singh, nor a nice party management; shun the once bitten, twice shy approach; for, earliest the manifesto is delivered, the better.
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