Friday, 25 April 2014

Wave, Shave, and the Naive

And the outgoing Prime Minister has spoken at last. He says that he can't see any wave. No NaMo effect is anywhere in India. Isn't it like fooling oneself? Sir, you were also unable to see--or detect--the level of corruption in your government; non-deliverance on critical issues, unable to tame the inflation; and unable in everything else--except the Nuke deal, the FDI, and a plethora of freebies for the poor--and , everything else eluded your eyes. And after ten years at the helm, you are still unable to see the wave, it is due to your newly developed shortsightedness; or in an apothegm, the repercussions of getting old.

Never ever in India, such an urge was felt for a change; and in NaMo, Indians have started believing that change is sure to happen this time. And they are supporting his cause willfully and enthisistically. The surge in voting percentage can be seen as a testimony to the existence of this wave.

Every thing will be blown this time; the ineptitude of your government to redress the people's woos is very fresh and so deeply engraved in people's mind that defying the caste and creed, they are welcoming this face of change.

The blabbing of the masquerading crusader, in the name of corruption, will also get a suitable reply this time. Does he see corruption in the name of Modi or BJP only ? And by defeating him, does he thinks that he will uproot this menace for ever? Why he has not fielded a strong candidate against Mrs Sonia Gandhi? He floated his party to decimate Congress, but now he is playing politics with the sentiments of those who supported him in his once seeming noble cause. His designs will be unmasked this time, is for sure. Wearing the Gandhi cap he made fool of the people in Delhi, and this time he is wearing the Muslim's cap to fool them. Leaders like him--with such an indecisiveness and restiveness--should be punished siutably and brought to book for misleading the people on false promises. As he delivered nothing in delhi, he will deliver nothing on national level also.

Interestingly, the third front is conniving to forge a opportunist coalition this time also; and their pussyfooting must be seen as a desperation to grab the power at any cost. They will also be subdued by degrees this time; as the wave has now transformed itself into a tempest; a violent storm of change. And let's hope that India does witnesses this change this time for the sake of its survival in every field.; and the NDA coalition does gets a majority with their current partners only; otherwise, the leg-pullers will be in action once again. So, this election will be remembered for the 'Wave', Congress's close 'Shave'; and the coughing 'Naive'.

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